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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way, shape, or form. Please enjoy.

// Sakura's Prov //

I woke up to the delicious smell of pancakes. I slowly got up and went through my daily routine. Once I was dressed in black spandex shorts and a fishnet top with a sleeveless jacket. I quickly went downstairs, once I arrived my mother was already leaving for her shift at the bakery. " Mother have a good day at work. "
  "Ah yes, breakfast is on the table, and Sakura please don't die today. " "Ok thank you, and of course oka-san I takes a lot to kill me. " I smiled as she left.

^_^ Time Skip brought to you by Sasuke's Duck ass shaped hair ^_^

I smile as  I see Anko~sensei at the training grounds. " Konnichiwa sensei, what shall we learn today." I said cheery tone, she just smiled . " Hey pinky I want you to meet my boyfriend Genma, he'll be helping us with our genjutsu lessons, while I work on our taijutsu." She said this sadistically.
   I'm so scared to disappoint the new person, but if it made sensei happy then I will do it. " Arigato sensei I won't let you down, hello Genma~sensei I won't let you down."I spoke with confidence and a bit of humility.

  “Good, so Anko already told me let you know the basics of genjutsu, and that you need more help in that field she says you quite proficient in it. Good job she hardly hands out praise.” he told me with a smirk. ” Hai, shall we begin sensei.”
  With the training begun he had me running around the village four times, two without chakra, two with chakra. We continued on from there can we do 10 pushups, 40 one handed pushups, 60 pull ups.


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