Blue Army

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"So, what do we got here?"



Some months have passed. Elvira still had contact with the Vicious, her friends, they all succeeded and moved on with their lives.

Elvira got back to the army, by request of a friend, Tails. Also, she loved to serve the country, even though they were all in peace, no wars, nothing to harm anymore.

At least, it was what everyone thought...


After having some fun with her old friends, Elvira went to the Army's HQ for her night work time. It was still a thing at the army having people work 24-7.

When she entered the high counsel's floor, she could hear a chill piano in the background, it was one of the generals, he always played the piano when he was there. And everyone loved it.

Skinny: Colonel!

Elvira: General.

Skinny was the leader of the army since the end of the war. Not everyone liked him, they said he was the one providing the decadence seen with the military.

Elvira didn't think the same, though, as Skinny was always receptive towards her and accepted critiques.

We were walking, heading to a meeting, through the corridors of the HQ. The piano had already stopped, there was no sound, only a quiet silence. I noticed a big table with a lot of bandanas by a general's door.

Elvira: Oh look at the bandanas! Whose are those?

Skinny: Uh... maybe from one of the generals, I don't know, but it is not allowed to wear them at the army.

Elvira: Still, they look stylish.

Skinny: Yes, I agree, come, Daniel is waiting.

By the time we entered Skinny's room, Daniel was already there. Elvira didn't know what was it about, but she was sure it was about the Source, as everything related to Daniel is.

Skinny: So, Crane, how is your treatment going on?

Daniel: General.

Skinny: No formalities, please, we are all friends here, right, Elvira?

Elvira: Yes, definitely.

Daniel: Skinny, I don't know, these pills aren't helping much, I'm not able to remember stuff, at least not as much as I wanted.

Skinny: It's ok, my man. Don't force it too much, remember. Bear in mind that anything can help a lot with our researches.

I wonder what Skinny was researching though, and why he needed Daniel's memories so much. I know, the Core is an important subject, but the army had already left it behind and moved on.

Daniel: So, I've arranged this meeting and wanted to have you here too Elvira.

Skinny: One of our psychiatrists have detected possible portal tracks.

Elvira: Portals? To the source?

Daniel: We were discussing this, and I don't believe those are actual portals.

Skinny: Still, it is odd the way they behave.

Elvira: They? How many portals are there?

Daniel: I think they are some kind of mana pool trick, as they behave in similar entropy patterns, there is one by the south of town, near the energy plant.

Elvira: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's...

Skinny: I already sent someone there, just to check things out.

Elvira: I don't know, Skinny, but I think other military won't be able to recognize those things...

Skinny: Don't worry, I sent another general there, I'm sure he's got the competence of analyzing it all correctly as we please. Soon, we will hear from him.

Elvira: I guess there is no point in speculating then.

Daniel: As I read in some books, these kind of spells were discovered by the Institute and..

Skinny: Hahaha please Daniel, we are the Army, we don't need to believe in this Institute. By the way they are isolated in the Source for years now, forget about them.

Daniel: Skinny, I still want to talk about the Source.

Skinny: When you remember things, I am sure will talk a lot about it. Until then, there is no point.

Daniel: But I...

Skinny: Now if you excuse me... I need to check some paper out, so...

Wow, how rude Skinny. He sounded triggered when Daniel talked about the Stealers Institute. So, he dispensed us.


We were at the corridors, me and Daniel.

Elvira: Some random things just seem to piss Skinny off.

Daniel: I just realized that. Doesn't make any sense to me! He wants me to remember the Source but when I talk about it... Nothing, he doesn't even want to hear.

Elvira: We should get some coffee.

We were going to the cafeteria when an alarm triggered.

Daniel: What? An alarm, this time of the night.

Elvira: Something is wrong.

Skinny showed up, he looked mad.

Skinny: You guys won't believe it. We need to move! MOVE!

The army wasn't an easy job.

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