"You are my Sunshine,"
What's happening? Why can't I breathe? Why is it dark and musty all around me?
"My only Sunshine,"
It is as if I woke up from a deep sleep, and I'm confused and disorientated. The only sound I hear is this voice, singing, but I'm in a small space, that's all I know.
"You make me happy,"
A small space filled with dust and cobwebs. Suddenly, I feel this space I'm in drop slowly downwards, shuddering and grating against something on the outside. Why am I going down? What is outside this space?
"When skies are grey,"
Then the new sound of masses of small particles of something being dropped on this space appears. Every few moments this sound occurs, and it makes me even more desperate for fresh air. The voice is now muffled, as if something is seperating it from me, something getting thicker every few seconds.
"You never know, dear,"
Then I regcognise the space I'm in as a wooden container, exactly the size of my now stiff and uncomfortable body. Why would I be in a wooden box?
"How much I love you,"
And not just any wooden box. It dawns on me. It is a coffin. A coffin with a living person inside. I struggle to move my limbs, to try and give someone, anyone, a sign that I am alive. I try lifting up the lid of the coffin, but to no avail.
"Please don't take,"
My struggle is futile. There is already too much hard ground packed on my coffin.A new fear settles in my chest, and I start to panic more than I ever have in my life. I am still alive! Why are they burying me alive? Whose voice is outside of my soon-to-be grave? Do they know I am still here? That I have not yet breathed my last breath?
"my Sunshine"
It doesn't matter if they know I'm alive or not. I start screaming, tears streaming down my face, as I fully, completely realise where and why I am exactly where I am. Where I am not supposed to be.
And then I can't even hear my voice over the sound of my fists thumping against the lid of my coffin, where no-one will find me in time. I will never see the daylight again, never have another fresh breath of air. This is more than my coffin. This is my living grave.