Meeting Up

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Yoongi's POV

"Hey" Hoseok's text wakes me up from my slumber. Why was he texting me at 5 in the morning? Doesn't he know I need my rest? This guy...

"Hoseok, it's fucking 5 am. I was doing this thing called sleeping. Ever heard of it?" I texted in response. Hoseok is so annoying at times but I love him.

"Yoon stop acting savage. Look, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go shopping. So...? Is it a date?" Hoseok texted back. SHOPPING? AT 5AM?!

"Are you fucking kidding me, Hoseok? It's 5am. What store is open right now?" Hoseok is literally so dumb...

"Yoongi I just couldn't wait to text you! I'm sorry. Go back to sleep" Hoseok cutely responded. Aish this guy...

"You already woke me up, Hoseok. I can't go back to sleep. Anyways why go shopping? You literally have everything you need." I asked, curiously.

"Ah Yoongi... I know. But I really want to buy things! You know I LOVE shopping! Plus we haven't gone out on a date in so long!" Hoseok texted back. Ah he's so cute I can literally hear his voice with that text.

"Ugh fineee. When should we meet up?" I answered.


I can't believe Yoongi agreed to a date with me! I feel really bad for waking him up though...

"Why don't I come over to your house so you can rest still?" I say.

"Okay then. I'll be waiting." Yoongi responded. I can't believe he let me go to his house this early in the morning!


I arrive at Yoongi's house. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. No answer...

"Yoongi?" I'm here!~" I shout from outside. I got no response. I decide to call him. The line rang... and rang... no answer. What was he doing?? Probably sleeping. After 3 calls he finally answers.

"Yoongi, I'm outside your house!"

"Ah. Okay. Sorry to keep you waiting."
he then hung up.


Hoseok calls me 3 times. I felt bad for keeping him waiting but I literally just took a shower. I rush to dry my hair and get dressed. I put on a robe because I didn't want Hoseok to get mad at me for making him wait.

I walk to my door. I turn the doorknob to see Hoseok in a white t-shirt and some ripped jeans. He even had his little red bag. His hair was really fluffy-looking. My heart skipped a beat. He looked so good. I suddenly remember what I'm in. A. FUCKING. ROBE.

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