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[You might want to reread the "He's Mine" Chapter so you know where this chapter starts]

~Jungkook's POV~

"JIMIN!!! WAIT!!!" I called as Jimin ran away from Yoongi and Hoseok, who were now together, officially.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME KOOK. YOU'LL WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ME" Jimin calls from in front of me.

Jimin starts to slow down and takes a seat on a bench, starting to pant from being out of breath.

"If I want nothing to do with you then why would I follow you?" I say as I take a seat next to Jimin on the bench.

"Can't you see? No one likes me." Jimin says as tears continue to stream down his face.

"I wouldn't say NO ONE." I say as I put my arm around Jimin's shoulders.

"But it's true... Do you want to know why I flirt with people?"

"Kind of, yea."

"I flirt with them so they know they are loved. Because no one was there for me when I needed it."

"Oh... continue"

"See... I have a younger brother. His name is Park Jihyun. He's the same age as you. He's super smart and gets all the attention from my parents. Even if he's my parents' favorite child, I still love him. On the other hand, I, Park Jimin, don't do too well in school. I'm failing all my classes except dance and art. Because of this my parents told me that no one will want me in their lives. They told me I was useless. They told me I would never become someone's world. They told me I was a waste of a human body. So, I flirt with people to let them know I love them for being them, in return for perhaps them returning their love, but I get nothing."

"Wow... That's deep, Jimin."

"Yeah... So I flirted with Yoongi. Of course it was nothing at first but slowly... I began to be interested in him. The way he doesn't care about what other people think and how he was so close with Hoseok-hyung... That's what I wanted. I envied it. I made that bet with Hoseok out of anger. I knew I wouldn't end up with someone as cool as him. But here I am, crying on a bench like I didn't expect it. Hoseok and I are childhood friends. He's the only one who understood me and accepted me. But once Yoongi got in the way, he stole Hoseok from me. So I wanted Yoongi so Hoseok would know how abandoned I felt."

~Jimin's POV~

"Wow Jimin... I never knew that... You would always have a smile on your face so I didn't expect you to have such a sad backstory." Jungkook said as he took his arm off of my shoulders.

"I have a smile on my face so no one will worry about me. So people know that everything is fine. Besides no one would want to be friends or even date me."

"THAT'S IT!" Jungkook says as he stands up from the bench and pins me against the wall.

"I don't want to hear you saying such bad things about yourself, Jimin. Don't you know? Someone out there loves your smile. Someone out there loves your laugh. Someone out there admires you for being strong no matter what you've been through. Someone out there LOVES you." I say as I wipe Jimin's tears.

"W-well... Who is that someone? I'll never know who they are... The world is filled with 7 billion people... How would I meet that one person? How would I even know they know who I am?"

"Jimin... That SOMEONE is ME."


Tears well up in my eyes and eventually stream down my face.

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