Chapter 8

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   "Come on, Mariah open up! We want to see how you look." I rolled my eyes. I hated being rushed. "Okay, okay Emilio's almost finished." I called. It was finally here. The night of the Grammy's that is. I was getting my hair and makeup done, while my parents' and Nicole stood outside of the bedroom door of my hotel suite, anxious to see me. Figures that everyone else was ready, but as usual I was the one who took forever. Nicole continued to knock on the door. "Alright, he's done!" Emilio, walked over and opened the door. I stood there, wearing my satin golden yellow gown. It was perfect.
The light caused the glittered design to sparkle and gleam. I looked beautiful. I felt beautiful.

   "So what do you think?" I smiled nervously. "Oh honey, you look beautiful!" My mother smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I mouthed to her thank you. "It's just so surreal." My father chimed in. "Every parent is anxious to see they're teenage daughter experience their first prom, but we get to see you off to the Grammy awards." We all laughed. "Pumpkin, you look beautiful." My father smiled. "Thank you, mommy. Thank you, daddy." I turned facing Nicole.

   "Nicole? What do you think?" She smiled at me. "I think I have the most beautiful best friend in the world, and an even more beautiful sister."
"Stop, you're going to make me cry." I could feel the tears start to form. "Well looks like I am done here." said Emilio. His strong accent made it hard for us to understand. "Thank you so much, Emilio." I smiled and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Here, I'll walk you out." my father offered. Emilio nodded. "Ciao!" We all waved bye, as Emilio walked towards the door. "Do you think the limo is here yet?'' I said nervously. I felt so anxious. My stomach was felt knotted, and I kept pacing back and forth. "Mariah, calm down. The hotel is going to call the room and let us know when Tom is here. Stop worrying." I sighed. "Yeah, I know you're right. I just don't want to be late."
"We won't be." Nicole assured.

   My parents' and Nicole sat and watched, as I kept pacing. "I honestly don't know if I'm still up to going out tonight." said my father. I stopped and stared. "Oh Martin. Why not?" my mother questioned. "Because. That little knucklehead Jackson kid is going to be there, and I just don't want Mariah to get hurt again." I walked over to my father and gave him a hug and kiss. "Thank you, daddy. But, you can't always protect me, sometimes I have learn on my own. Besides, it's not like he led me on, I just seen what I wanted to see. I'll be fine." "We know you will be, honey." my mother said. My father nodded. "I just wish I could always protect you." I smiled. As much as I may not want to at times, I knew that I had to face certain things on head on.

   The hotel room telephone rang. Nicole answered. "Hello?" I walked over near her. "Alright, thank you." She hung up the phone. "That's us." I walked over and gave my mom and dad a kiss. "You both look beautiful. We'll meet you there." My mother called after us." I waved as the door shut behind us.

**Michael's Point of View**

"Alright, you guys. You think we should practice some more?" I asked. Everyone shook their heads and said no. "Mike, we already know what to do, we must've practiced like a hundred times!" snapped Tito. I could tell by my brothers faces, they were exhausted. "I just want this performance to be perfect." The limo horn beeped outside. My brothers got up to leave. "Don't worry, bro." said Jermaine. He put his arm on my shoulder. "We got your back." I smiled at him.

I grabbed my tuxedo jacket off the hanger and made my way out the door, to the limousine.

**Mariah's Point of View**

   "Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for tonight! Aren't you?" Nicole was hopping up and down on her seat, in the limo. I could understand why. This was her first time going to the Grammy awards, but tonight I just wasn't feeling it. "Yeah, I guess." I shrugged my shoulders and tried to fake a smile. I don't know why I acted so lousy, knowing that Nicole would figure that something was wrong and try to butt in on my business. But this time Nicole knew exactly what was wrong.

    "Mariah, I know you're upset about that whole Michael and--" I interrupted. "Don't even think about saying her name in this car." I folded my arms and stared out the window, for the rest of the limo ride.

**Priscilla's Point of View**

"MICHAEL, PRISCILLA DETAILS ON YOUR RELATIONSHIP!" Cameras flashed and paparazzi yelled questions. This was it. Michael and I are officially an item, I thought to myself. I mean look at me, I have it all: I sing, I can dance and hello, I'm beautiful. Michael was mine. I had him, and that was final.
    We walked inside of the building hand in hand. "Hey, I have to use the restroom." Michael said. "Already? We just got here, at least walk me to my seat." "I'm sorry, I have to go." Michael said walking away. I rolled my eyes. How pathetic. He's lucky he's cute. "Whatever." I brushed him off and continued on, until I seen the big doors that lead into the auditorium.

   "Priscilla." my publicist Amanda called. "Where's Michael?"
"Ugh, he went to the bathroom." I said. Amanda shook her head. "Yeah, I know."
"So you know what I heard?"
"What'd you hear?" I inquired, while checking my nails. I turned to the mirror hanging one the wall and scoped out my hair and makeup. "That girl, Mariah Taylor, is going to be here." I stopped and turned to Amanda. "Where did you hear this?"
"I have my connections." Amanda snarled.

   "Well am I supposed to be intimidated by that girl? Michael would be an idiot to even think twice about this relationship; I have no worries." I notice Michael walk out of the bathroom, I smile at him and turn back to Amanda. "No worries at all."

**Nicole's Point of View**

We pull up to the red carpet. All the flashing lights from the cameras could nearly blind a person. Our driver, Tom walked over to our door and opened it. I step out first, then Mariah. "MARIAH! NICOLE! Over here!" A female reporter called. Mariah and I walked over toward her. "Hello ladies. You both look absolutely stunning tonight." We both smiled thanking her. "Are there any performances you're looking forward to?" Mariah smiled and replied; "I'm just happy to be here and surrounded by all of these influential people; Musicians, producers, you name it. Models like myself. It's just an honor to be here tonight." I cheered.
    "Well I was able to catch the issue of JET's Summer Lovin' magazine, featuring you and the Jackson 5. Rumor has it you and Michael had a little chemistry going on. Is that true?" Mariah smiled at the reporter. I could tell that question upset her, because she gave the fakest smile I'd ever seen. She turned to me and giggled, "Oh, no that's just a rumor. The Jacksons have always been good friends of the family." Mariah assured. "They're actually one of the performances tonight, I believe. So I do look forward to that." Mariah nodded at the reporter, before lifting the bottom of her gown off of the carpet, and walking away toward the entrance of the venue. I followed.

I caught up to her. "Mariah, handled that very well. Are you okay?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" she said in a rushed tone. I attempted to catch up to her, but she brushed past me and went to her seat inside of the auditorium. You know how you could sometimes just tell when someone is upset?
Well this was one of those times.

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