First day

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Clementine's POV

I woke up to my alarm letting me know it's time to get ready. Wanting to die, I started getting ready for the day. I got out of bed to find Violet about to head out, already dressed. She saw me get up and turned to look at me.

"Hey um sorry if I seemed pissed at you last night, I just bumped into someone I didn't want to see right before getting in here." She looked down at the floor waiting for my answer.

"Oh don't worry about that it's fine." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I mean as long as you weren't mad at me it's fine." She smiled,' pretty',and nodded before walking out of the room.

I took a shower in our shared bathroom and changed into a pair of jeans, a white shirt, my jacket, my boots, and of course my lucky hat. I called Lee as promised and wished them a good morning as I got dressed. Once I was done changing I grabbed my backpack and schedule and left the room.

Looking down at my schedule I mapped out where to go and when in my head. 1st period Chemistry, 2nd Algebra II, 3rd English, 4th History, 5th Health science, 6th speech, 7th Baseball, 8th Spanish.

'Damn why couldn't they make the baseball period 8th.' I sighed making my way to the chemistry lab was fairly simple, just one flight of stairs in the main building. I was there a bit before the bell rang so I got to choose my seat.

The chemistry room was split up into tables with two chairs per table, so I picked a table in the back to the right of the room. The bell rang and the teacher walked in setting things down on her desk and moving everything around.

I pulled out my chemistry journal and a pencil and waited until I felt a tap on my shoulder. Looking up I was met with Brody who looked a bit embarrassed and very nervous.

"Hey, Clementine right?" "Yup, Brody right?" She smiled looking a little less nervous before continuing. "Yeah um I know we don't know each other but your the only familiar face-" "You can sit with me Brody." I cut off her rant.

Smiling she placed her bag down and took the seat next to me before taking out her supplies. Class started and the teacher did the normal first day thing and handed out a paper for everyone to fill out. The paper was just a get to know me survey and asked our hobbies.

We were then asked to switch with our partner and socialise with them because they would be our lab partners all year. Brody handed me her paper and I handed her mine. She gasped and turned to me.

"Are you on the baseball team?" She had on a huge smile as I nodded. "Minerva is the team captain." "Really?" She hummed before tuning back to my paper. "Aww you have a little brother, I've always wanted a sibling."

"Yeah he's great he was so sad when I got excepted here." "Aww how old is he?" "Five." "Cute, do you have a picture." We showed each other pictures of our family. She was an only child and only had her mom in her life, who she resembled evidently.

The bell rang cutting our conversation short. "What do you have next?" She asked pulling out her schedule and comparing it to mine. We only had 6th period together.

"Well I guess I'll see you then." "Bye Brody." We waved goodbye as we split apart to our respective classes. 'Math bleh.'

I didn't pay much attention to the rest of my classes but I did meet a couple of more kids. Louis from math, Marlon from English, Ruby from History and Health, Sophie Brody's girlfriend in speech, and now I'm on my way to my baseball period.

I walk over to the locker rooms they had us tour before school started. Once I got there I found mine and started changing, I was about to put on my workout jersey when someone stood next to me. I looked over to see Minerva smiling at me.

"Looks like we're locker buddies." She said before focusing on changing, a smile came over me as I pulled on my shirt. "So your the baseball team captain?" Her smile widened more before she pulled her school shirt over her head and threw it in her locker. 'Hot...oh shit'

She pulled on a workout jersey and put it on. "Yup that's me, you must be the new player Javi keeps talking about." I nodded and we started walking to the field where Javi was waiting for the team. "Alright team we're going to be conditioning today to get you guys ready for the season." Most of the team groaned and moaned about the mention of exercise.

"Now lets start with laps."

--------------I'm lazy so time skip----------

Me and Minerva had the same class next period so we were going to walk together. We changed in the locker room after a quick shower and headed to spanish. Minerva was telling me about all the players on the team as we walked, including their drunken adventures.

It was fun. She was really fun to talk to although she had a pretty dark sense of humor, but who doesn't these days. She made me feel relaxed when speaking to her and not a lot of people were able to do that. It also didn't help that she was absolutely stunning.

We reached the class only to find that the teacher had assigned seats. 'Damn I hope I can at least talk to her more.' The teacher placed her in the last row in the front. A horrible choice with her height but not my problem. I was assigned in the next row over two seats behind the first one. More and more students who I didn't know were placed around me. The seat in front of me not being filled until the late bell rang.

Violet walked in and seemed upset but not as much as last night. The teacher placed her in the seat in front of me. I was about to greet her when I noticed her glaring viciously at Minerva who glared right back. 'Oh great this is gonna be a interesting year.'

Sorry this took so long I was working on my Clemerva fic and wanted to finish that chapter before this one. This is actually really fun to write but honestly I need someone to make some more content like this because I'm dying for more reading material.But I guess it really be like that🌈🌈👌👌

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