Megatron x starscreams sister

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You can't pretend that your not in love, but you can deny it, all though not everyone would believe you, epically not your brother witch mine happens to be the second in command to the deceptions *sigh* starscream, he can be a bit of a dork and is really protective of me, it was even worse when all three of my brothers were around, starscream, skywarp and thundercracker, they we're all really protective of me and hardly let anyone near me until the war began, I miss my brothers all though they were really annoying they were still my brothers, unfortunately they were killed during the war for Cybertron, witch is why starscream is even more protective of me, and I love him but he refuses to allow me to get a sparkmate witch infuriates me alot. Today was one of those days were there was a really important mission and I wasn't allowed to join because of starscream so I was stuck on the nemesis with soundwave and dreadwing, dreadwing knows about a little secret of mine, dreadwing was the only one that I trusted with keeping a secret, so I trusted him with my biggest darkest secret that would probably get me killed by both Lord Megatron and my older brother, dreadwing and I we're walking around the halls of the nemesis taking about same old things until "(Y/n) I believe it is time that you tell Lord Megatron your ah... Secret feelings for him" I started blushing, looking up at dreadwing I saw him staring at me with that (kinda attractive) serious face he always has "well ahh idk dread, he'd probably hate me if he found out about my feelings, and what about star? He'd be furious that his own little sister was in love with the one he hates most" Dreadwing nodded understanding my reasons "I believe it is best to tell them the truth then lying to them" I sighed he was right like always, I needed to tell Megatron and Star the truth, but I well be dead after this I just know it. As I was walking towards my brothers and i sheard quarters my mind was going crazy and I felt that I was going to pass out, star is going to hate me, walking in I saw starscream laying on his berth reading a datpad, he normally didn't say anything to me when I came ein unless I was in trouble or if something was bothering me/him. I sat on my bed playing with my digits trying to think of away to tell starscream the truth, I knew I couldn't hide it forever so i- "what's bothering you?" Shoting my head up I see starscream's optics haven't left that datapad he probably felt something was wrong since I was so quiet "i-ahh... Nothing.." This time he did look up, staring at me for a moment before setting up and putting his datapad down "come on, what is it? Is it dreadwing? I swear if that glitch touched you ill-" See what I mean by protective "No, no starscream it's.. It's not dreadwing...." He passed studying me for a moment "then what is it?" I hesitated frag, what should I tell him!? The truth!?!?
.... "Well?".. Slag it " I.. I-i want to go on more important missions" For frag sake nice going (Y/n) " Sigh* (y/n) we've talked about this" Might as well "please starscream, I won't battle the Autobots I'll stay bye your sidet he hole time I promise!" He was silent for a moment tapping his digit against his helmet while looking at me, he sighed "fine, but! You have to stay by me that hole time no exceptions!" I jumped up and hugged him "oh thank you starscream!" He chuckles "yes yes, your welcome" He cuddled for the rest of the night until I fell asleep. The next morning starscream was out for a fly while dreadwing was on a mission, so I was by myself wondering the halls of the nemesis about what dreadwing had told me the other night, maybe if I can't tell starscream it would be easier to tell Lord Megatron... Alright get ready to be destroyed body(😏) I continued walking until I was in front of Megatrons berthroom my servo in the air getting ready to knock.. Any minute now... Come on body move, ok maybe this was a bad idea, I was about to walk away until the door opened.. Frag... "(Y/n)? What are you doing here" Turning around I was meet with Megatrons large red eyes staring at me waiting for an answer "well.. I wanted to talked to you hehe... " He nodded movie aside allowing me to come in, here go's nothing, once I was in he shut the door behind me, looking around I see on each side oft he room shelves of trophies most likely from his gladiator days, nd in front of me was a large black berth that's able to fit three people in it, ohh boy "what is it you wish to speak about (y/n)? I thought you'd be out with your brother right now" He thought about me? Now's both that time (y/n)! "Ahh yeah, I decided that I would stay on the ship.. I ahh really needed to speak with you... " He hummed in thought "proceed then" Taking a deep breath, it took a moment but I believe I was ready, not "we-well I wanted to know... How to tell a someone I like how I feel! Hehehe..." Great, he raised his eyebrow suspiciously as if he was expecting something else "and why pray tell would you ask me for such advice?" I gulped hoping it wasn't obvious "ahhh just curious..." He nodded "I have no experience for telling feelings for someone, but I know how to win them over" I believe he was trying the say he new how to get in the panels "well do you have any advice?" He stears at me for a moment, before walking in front of me "I believe it would be wise if you and dreadwing keep'd your discussions away from were soundwave can see... And hear them" Slag! Did soundwave tell Megatron what we were talking about! Slag! Slag! Slag! Sl- my thoughts were interrupted by something pressing against my dremas, wait... Is. Megatron. Kissing me!?!? Wasting no time I jump on him wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, we continued making out, when Megatron started leaning us over the berth, his kisses started going lower until he was kissing my neck I moan out load pushing him down more "you have a beautiful body (y/n) let me  cherish it~" And that's were the day went from good to great!

~Time skip~😋

Slowly opening my optics I found that I was not in my berthroom, and something warm was pressed up against my back, I turned around to see my now sparkmate Megatron, smiling I kiss him before trying to get up but being pulled back down "nooo-" Megatron winced pulling me under him so he was laying on top of me his arms wrapped around me preventing me from moving "Megs we have to get up, star well be worried about me" He sighed realising me, I giggled give him a quick kiss "I'll see you in the control room when your ready" And now for starscream... Ohhh boy. As soon as I walk though the doors to the control room I was impressed by a worried starscream "where have you been!? I was worried sick!!" I sighed smiling there's my protective brother "I was just umm.. " How the frag was I supposed to tell him that I interfaced with his worst enemy!?!? "You better star explaining or so help me I well-" He was cut off my a shadow looming over me, I happily looked up to see Megatron "you well for what starscream?" I smiled nervously this was either going to go really well or really badly "i-ahh I was just speaking to my sister my Lord, she disappeared last night" Megatron nodded, oh shit he isn't!! "Shew as with me last night... Screaming my name as I plowed her~" My face was burning red, the hole room was silent everyone and I mean everyone was staring at us with wide eyes and mouths open, even shockwave was so surprised he dropped he's datapad but he didn't seem to notice, starscream just stood there staring at us his wings were down his mouth gaping open not saying a word "we should actually be getting back to that~" Grabbing my arm he lead me out of the room down the hallway as they watched us leave not saying a word "I'm going to punish you for that!~" Whispering he just smirked at me. Knockout started to wall out if the room "well I should go prepare the med-bay" Starscream seems to come out for his trance "for what!?" Knockout turned to him and smirked "to prepare for the sparkling's of course~"

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