Part IV: Immortal Attraction

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My head throbbed with pain and dizziness. My vision was blurred and all I could see were hazy bright lights. Releasing a confused groan, I tried to tilt my head to look around but a sharp pain coursed through my neck. A painful yelp escaped my lips as mumbled voices echoed throughout the room. My (e/c) orbs darted around and my heart rate began to increase. Where am I? What happened? Who is there? Rapid beeps echoed in my ears and a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders. In my vision, there was a blurry, pale man staring at me with his icy blue orbs. I felt my lips curl upon the sight and my heart skipped a beat. The tune of my heart throbbing echoed into my ears followed by the rapid beats as the man brought his blurred hand to my face to cup my cheek. His touch was so cold, so sinisterly cold. It was inhumanely cold, yet it felt welcoming.

"J-Jonathan," I stuttered weakly.

"You... calm... heart... lose... blood."

His speech was distorted and I could barely understand his sentence. Am I... losing too much blood? What the hell happened to me? Angrily, I furrowed my brows and tried to sit up, but the man's grip was too strong. Looking around, I noticed another masculine figure in the corner of the room. A long, blurred object was resting in his hand as his hazy, green orbs rested on my figure. A small gasp escaped my lips as my memories rushed into my consciousness. Geoffrey?! He is a vampire! My suspicions were true all along! The hunter has become his prey!

Mindlessly, I blurted out, "Geoffrey, you are a vampi-"

Quickly, Jonathan's pale hand slapped against my lips, stopping the flow of words from my mouth. My (e/c) orbs widened as I stared at Geoffrey. He seemed so emotionless and cold. His gaze flickered to the floor as he relaxed his shoulders. His brows furrowed and I heard a sigh escape his chapped, pale lips. A twinge of guilt struck my heart, causing me to bite my rosy, (s/c) lip nervously. Oh dear... have I found out his secret? Was this the reason for his absence in my life? Was he planning to tell me? Oh, Geoffrey... I'm so sorry. I felt the corners of my lips twitch into a frown. Damn, my curiosity! Why did I have to find him in that alley?

"(Y/n)," Jonathan's soft voice interrupted my thoughts, "You... must rest."

"N-No," I stuttered, "I have... to apologize... to Geof-"

Before I could finish my sentence, a warm, thick liquid got caught in my throat. I coughed up the contents and wiped my mouth. A crimson hue was spread across my arm and a gasp escaped my lips. Is that... blood? What's wrong with me? In my peripheral vision, I saw Geoffrey's figure stand up and walk toward me. My heart raced as negative thoughts clouded my mind. No, he cannot feed from me... I'm his friend! What is he going to do to me? Please, spare me! Oh no, this cannot be happening! Panic ran cold through my veins as my breaths became heavier, to the point of hyperventilation. I have to get out of here! Struggling, I reached toward the door but Geoffrey's figure stood in the way. I felt the warmth radiating off his body and chills ran down my spine. Gulping nervously, I opened my mouth to say something but nothing ever came out. I'm scared and I'm shocked. My best friend... turned into a bloody leech. Could I ever see him the same again? Can he control his urges just as well as Jonathan? Geoffrey's pale hand caressed my cheek as his emerald orbs stared into (e/c) ones. Something about his touch felt... so loving. My fear died down as his warmth greeted my skin. I feel... safe. How is he doing this. The corners of his lips twitched into a slight smile, which made my heart skip a beat and my cheeks flushed. He's so handsome... but why am I just noticing this now? Is it because he is so close to my face? Have I been blind to his beauty this entire time? My breathing returned to a normal rate, as well as my heart. All I could do was stare into his orbs that resembled the richest grasslands of Earth. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat and focused on me.

"Rest now. We will talk later," Geoffrey reassured me.

Immediately, a cooling sensation overcame my cheek and coursed through my body. My muscles seemed to relax and the thoughts in my head became quiet. For once, my body felt at peace. There were no worries or troublesome thoughts, nor danger or pain. I felt my consciousness slipping away, and I freely abided by it.

Immortal Infatuation (Jonathan Reid/Reader/Geoffrey McCullum)Where stories live. Discover now