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The first proper day there was more of just everyone exploring and looking around, like normal people but they're not normal people so you can tell there was a lot of screaming shouting and air horns " DAMMIT TENDOU STOP WITH THE AIR HORN" Shirabu yells he was woke up at 3 in the morning by an air horn going off in his room and Goshiki screaming at the top of his lungs it's not a nice way to wake up in the morning 'I don't know what is real anymore and tired and it's late or just really early in the morning how would I know ha THE SUN HASN'T RISEN YET' Shirabu though to himself

" well you can blame semi for buying it for me" Tendou skips out of the room and looks innocent like he did nothing wrong

" semi-san why did you buy him the air horn" Goshiki asks her, she had chaes after Tendou but was to late to stop him

" it was his birthday and I didn't know what to get them so I just got the first obnoxious thing I could find and it was also only like £1 sooooo" semi explains to Goshiki

" next time please just give him money or just a normal game" Reon asks

" I know where I went wrong and I fix that mistake" with that she left the room not really wanting to deal with any of this anymore and hoping that god she can go back to Sleep

" SEMI~SENPIE WAKE UP" Tendou yells at her ready to blow the air horn again

"TENDOU FOR GOODNESS SAKE IT'S 3 IN THE MORNING GOING TO SLEEP BEFORE I KNOCK YOU OUT" Semi was done with everyone to bulshit and was seriously considering to knock herself out or everyone else depends which one comes first and what situation they're in

"right right sorry" tendou apologizes

" semi may ask why are you so tired" Ushijima asks not looking at them at all just at his book he was reading because he could not fall back asleep after Tendou blew the air horn

" I was studying for all of our tests that we had to take 2 days before coming here and then my neighbours decided it will be a good idea to hold up party every single night, so that's why I've been losing sleep and now if you'll excuse me I will be regaining it" with that she covers the blankets over her head and hopes to God everyone will leave her alone

But that wasn't the way everything was going to go because now from five bloody minutes later Coach   Washijō comes in to wake everyone up " WHY THE HELL ARE WE WAKING UP AT 3 IN THE BLOODY MORNING" Semi was going to cut someone at this point

" 1 watch  your language missy, 2 you guys need to explore and I heard this place looks beautiful at night" they were all common room wondering who told Coach that because they all just wanted to have a small talk with him and no one was happy  except Tendou, he look like you just chugged 3 energy drinks

"wooooooooooooooooop" he was yelling like mad and blowing the air horn thank God that no one else was here and it was just them or they would have so many complaints and then kicked out, Semi was praying to some sort of God to come out of nowhere and kill everyone at this point she was done with everyone, Ushijima was quite alright with this idea and was beginning to sort everyone into groups, Goshiki agreed with it just so it would look like him and Ushijima are Soulmates,Shirabu was internally screaming inside and Reon and Yamagata didn't know what to think this anymore and considering calling the mental institution to take them all in

"now I think this is an amazing opportunity for us all to Bond as a group" Ushijima

"I agree Ushijima" Goshiki says in his annoying voice

" your face is going to bond with my fist if you don't shut up" Shirabu Mumbles at him but Goshiki didn't hear him he was in a daydream

" were going to go into 2 groups, me and Goshiki are going to be the leaders of them" Ushijima States

"Tendou, Semi, Reon and Yamagata are going to be a group with me, Goshiki you can take the rest" The third years leave before there are any complaints

"owccc Ushijima you left him with a lot of people to look after" Tendou asks when they leave

" he's going to be Ace soon he needs to learn how to handle everyone besides us because we're not going to be there next year" he says 'plus I don't want a lot of people with you and me' Ushijima though to himself

"SOOOOOOO what are we going to do" Yamagata asks "and no Tendou we are not going to use the air horn" he adds when he sees Tendou taking it out

Out of nowhere semi grabs it and dropkicks it somewhere else no one could really see were it went because of how dark it was it's 3 in the morning of course it's going to be dark "no enough with the bloody thing" she snaps at him with a look of danger in her eyes "gupe" Tendou knows that messing with Semi when she has that look in her eye is instant death  "I said I would fix my mistake and now I have" he tells the other three

Over at the other end with Goshiki's group everything was hell, no one was listening to Goshiki and were like dogs without horses running wild, "why will none of you listen to me" he asks well more of yells

" because we don't have to and you don't look threatening to us" they all yell back at him like it was an obvious thing to do and then going back to whatever they were doing, this is not the way he thought things were going to go and I understood other team captain's felt about their team rip Shirabu next year

he also began to wonder  if he should pray to the same God that semi prays  to whenever she wants something bad to happen to someone stuff that became better and more appealing the more everyone was misbehaving and stuff but in the end he didn't do it because he didn't have the guts

so at 5 in the morning everyone got their breakfast or passed out ok so semi was actually the only one that passed out due to sleep loss no one bothered her in fear they would be cut or lose a hand and you need your hands for volleyball 

" did she pass out orrrr" Goshiki asks

" no she's out like a light" Reon says while putting a pillow under her head that this point he is second team Mum

" should we wake her up and take her to a bed" one of the first years ask

" ha do you want to lose a hand" Yamagata laughd at him like he was an idiot everyone agrees with Yama

So Semi finally got the sleep she needed, while everyone else did her own thing it was more of like going on your phone, eating, talking to your friends, playing volleyball to your arms hurt, play Monopoly, playing cards, playing music, dancing and more stuff like that

they didn't realise the mystery they were going to unsold Or well get caught up in

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