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Reon, Kawanishi and Yamagata couldn't move it was like they were goats and something had scared them and they froze

Things seemed more eerie and quite now, well more than before now that they know that there is a real killer here and no one knew what to do

But then they did, they ran all the way back to the rest of the volleyball team, yeah that is something you don't do in horror movies but then again they were freaking out and it seemed like a good idea at the time

ok so imagine being the rest of the team ,Semi and Shirabu have just ran in ,all out of breath and then finding out the Phone box thingy was set on fire and now you see Yamagata, Reon and Kawanishi??? ok when did he get here and did he go missing as well

"everything is real" Yamagata yells at everyone, only Semi and Shirabu knew what that meant which left everyone else confused 'what's real'

"Yamagata what is real" Ushijam asks him, Reon locks the door behind him

"Kawanishi and coach had a plan to scary everyone it was a joke but there is someone else here k-killing us Aaron was the first one to be a victim and we might be next" Reon explains, he puts his hand on his head, he was still trying to prosses everything

Everyone froze, no one made a sound until they heard a knock on the window, they look over to see a hoodie man at the window holding a knife that had blood on it, the person puts his hands on the bottom of the window and opens it

"FUCK WE DIDN'T LOCK IT" Tendou yells but no many heard because all the second and that one first year began to yell, ok well all the third years as well where yelling

but then my friend Yamagata grabbed a glass bottle smashed it on the ground and yelled "SCATTER" and everyone ran in different directions, we all ran in different directions. It was like that seen in ratatouille when the humans come into the kitchen and all the rats go in different ways, we all ran in different directions Tendou and Ushijam ran into the laundry room and jumped up onto the washing machine and then crawled out a window and now their running thought the back yard and they don't see a big chain land fence with is strange because they where ready to clime a fence that high before

Everything went blank after that and Tendou and Ushijam where in the woods trees and bushes everywhere you looed well it wasn't that bad the woods weren't that bad but the idea that there was a killer out here as well as them, actually scratch that the all thought that there was already a killer ad apparently Semi and Shirabu already knew that Kawanishi was pretending to be a killer but didn't tell them for some reason

"What do we do now" Tendou asks Ushijam, he looks up at him, thinking about what to say that could help at all

"Where outside right" he asks, Tendou makes a weird face and then jesters towards all the trees that are around them "yes" he tells him

"why don't we just find our way towards the police" Ushijam says, now Tendou understands what he's saying

"ok that's a good idea let's go" Tendou starts to go of in the wrong direction and you thought there was only one direction

"Tendou that's the wrong way" Tendou quickly turns around and starts walking quite quickly the other way "one direction you lied to me" Tendou whispers to him self

They begin their lager journey to find the po po, in normal terms it wouldn't take long but it was in the middle of the night, they didn't have a map and there was a killer so this was going to take so time and they didn't have time so just imagen two super tall boys with strange colour hair running through the woods with absolutely no clue where they are going

Everyone else runs somewhere else why staying inside the building because they thought that it would be to dangerous to do that but it didn't matter because the killer could jump though the window because TENDOU FORGOT TO LOCK IT, yeah this is Semi btw

everyone ran away in pair which I will say is convenient, I'm currently hiding in a room with Shirabu, I'm also holding a knife soo that's a thing "why did you have knife in your bad" Shirabu asks her, he is genially scared of her at this point actually scratch that he's always been scared of her, he's pretty sure everyone is scared of her, who wouldn't am I right

Things where quite and everything was fine, Shirabu noticed a phone in the room "how the hell did we not notice this before" he walks over and picks up the house phone

"what are you doing" Semi looks over to him

"I saw a phone and I'm seeing if it works" he answers but just too his luck the phone line was cut

"you do see that it's cut right, the lead it's self is cut" Semi points out, looking down Shirabu could see that it was unfact cut

"what would I do with out you" Shirabu says looking her in the eye, they've only been together for about an hour I think and they're already thinking about how their lives would be like without each other

"you would die without me and my knife" Semi states blankly and so quickly that it seemed like she didn't need to think about it at all

"why do you have a knife" Shirabu asked the question that everyone else reading this book was wondering

"I have a knife because I thought I would have to threaten Tendou with it" Semi waves the knife around like she was pretending to wave it at Tendou. dangerous but funny

They where going to continue but they heard heavy footsteps coming their way and fast, with panic rushing in their veins, they prepared to fight the person if they came in, the door nob began to turn and then soon it will open

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