All safe and sound

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slowly in the wall that first seemed made of solid stone appeared in cravings of a language that hadn't been spoken for ages. Slowly the walls started to separate and a pass way became visible. like a spirit walked through the hallway all the torches turned on like they had been waiting all those time, for someone to finally come by. slowly Henry held the torch up and walked past the separate walls, into the slightly lightened up hall way. In the hallway were drawings and in cravings of dinosaurs that lightened up when we walked past them. Slowly I moved my hand over the walls. they felt weird,  like I was sleeping and was slowly waking up. when we reached the end of the hallway we saw a metal door that looked like it came right from a futuristic book. ''what is that?'' Sasha asked while looking at eagle. ''where is Martini actually?'' she asked right after. ''he went getting the other tribes. he'll come here soon too. I send a Bat.'' she said smiling softly. ''guys?'' Robin said while walking towards the door. ''how do we open this door?'' he said staring at hermen. hermen shakes his head slowly. '' I got no idea honestly.'' I walked towards the door and stared at the cracks in the stone next to the door. the stone was naturally shaped.. it looked like a button fo some sort. ''I think, I found it.'' I slowly pushed the piece of stone into the wall an the door slowly opened like it hadn't opened for ages. ''it looks abandoned.'' Robin said walking towards one of the desks. there were a million button. the screens were cracked and the windows that decorated the front of the ship were dusty and dirty. ''How does this ship fly without a crew?'' hermen said looking at one of the still working screens. the screen was filled with numbers and unknown signs of a language. Henry walk to one of the open doors and peeked inside. in the room were 18 boxes. the glass that was wrapped around it was foggy.. but inside was a silhouet of a person. ''Peter Bindos.'' he read slowly. ''hey Peter, is your back name Bindos?'' he asked while wiping some dust of the name plate. ''ye, why?'' I said slowly walking inside. Henry slowly pulled the box open. inside was an exact copy of me. ''what the hell?'' I said surprised. sasha Petra and Hermen walked in. ''what's wrong?'' Petra asked concerned. ''well, a second me is laying in that box..'' I said with a confused face towards sasha. sasha slowly walked to one of the other boxes. ''Sasha Pytrella.'' she said softly. hermen walked past me and searched over te name plates. ''hermen Rube Hoverson.'' he said. ''they got a copy of all of us.. but why?'' I slowly laid my hand on my twin. but my hand went right through it. ''It are holograms.'' Robin said while walking inside. ''those holograms are holograms of our real bodies in the realworld.'' Robin said shrugging. ''pardon?'' Sasha said. Henry walked towards Robin. ''what do you man.'' Robin showed a tablet. ''look.'' he pressed on a name saying 'patient A423' on the small screen it showed a white room with Sasha laying on a white bed with all kinda of machines around her. ''but, that can't be right.. I'm right here.'' Sasha said. she grabbed the tablet and pressed the other names. it showed all of us laying in beds with machines around us. ''what the hell is going in here.'' Eagle said holding one of the same tablets. ''no idea.'' Hermen said. ''what will happen if we press. 'offline.' '' sasha asked showing the 'offline' button next to our names. ''maybe we wake up in our own world?'' Henry shaked his head. ''this is too weird for words.. I'm probably still in bed and just having a really weird dream..'' he said softly. Sasha and Petra grinned and both slapped the back of his head. ''Owh hey!' henry screamed trying to hit them back. ''you're not sleeping Henry.'' Hermen said. ''it does explain why we remember flashes of an other world.'' Hermen said staring at the tablet showing  an older lady sitting down next to his sleeping body. ''we have to go back..'' Petra said slowly. ''but what if we never see each other again.. the tablet doesn't show us being in the same room..'' Sasha said giving us all a sad face. ''and what about Happy and Dark.'' I said worried. ''we can't take a giganotosaurus with us.'' I said right after. ''we should first set them free.'' Robin said. hermen nodded. ''That's as fair.'' he grabbed a tablet. ''I wonder..'' slowly he clicked on the dinosaur econ. on the screen showed a image of Happy like it was some doll on display. slowly Hermen swiped the saddle off of happy his back. ''there.'' Hermen said. ''how do we know if it worked.'' I said. ''just look down Peter.'' Slowly I looked down. through the glass of the floor of the ship I saw Happy standing in front of the lake together with Dark and all our other rexes. Hermen clicked on a few buttons and I saw the saddles dispensary from their backs. ''be free.'' sasha said softly. Hermen smiled a little. ''we should go home now.''

''Look who's awake.'' a female voice said. slowly I opened my eyes against the bright light that blinded my eyes. ''huh..?'' I said softly I turned my head to the left and A kind face greeted me. '' that was a very long nap.'' she said helping me get up. slowly on my sight got sharper and I saw the bright red hair from Sasha. ''sasha.'' I said softly. and tried to get up. sasha moved her head towards me slowly. ''hey Peter..'' 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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