Piss on the stick

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A few month timeskip

Tom jumped out of the bed he shared with Tord, well it was actually Tord's bed, but now it was a shared bed. He ran out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, glad that Tord was a deep sleeper, and leaned over the toilet. He puked. When it was over Tom locked the bathroom door and pulled off the grey t-shirt he was wearing. He looked at his body, noting the slightly plumper belly he had developed. "Aww shit, what's happened to me?" The short brunet Brit looked down at his body.

"Tom?" Tord's voice sounded from outside the door, he sounded concerned.

"Yeah, what is it Commie?"

"Are you ok Tommy?" Tord knocked on the door.

"Yep I'm fine, why shouldn't I be?" Tom responded, pulling his t-shirt over his head and down his belly.

"Then let me in." Tord paused for a moment. "Please~."

"Okay Tord." Tom unlocked the door and opened it, in front of him was a tired looking topless Tord, he wasn't wearing his eye patch either. Tord hugged him. Tom was shocked but hugged back.

"I was worried. You ran out of bed so quickly, I was concerned about you." Tord spoke over Tom's head.

"I felt sick is all. I'm fine now." Tom reassured talking into Tord's neck.

"Maybe you're pregnant?" Tord teased. "It would explain the sickness." He wrinkled his nose. "Go clean yourself up though, I'm not sleeping next to you when you smell like puke."

"Fine fine.. And how could I be pregnant? We're both guys?" Tom said, wiggling from the Norwegian man's arms, heading to the sink.

"Not a clue, we could test?" Tord suggested, walking into the room and sitting in the toilet lid.

"How could we? There aren't any tests in the house and would one even work? I mean it's an absolute impossibility that I'm pregnant." Tom responded washing his face in the sink.

"There actually are tests in the house. You got shitfaced before we, you know, and in a drunken state fucking bought one. You said it was so I am alwaysh preparedd for the worsht posshible outcome no one could convince you that you couldn't get pregnant because you're a guy" Tord's impression of drunk Tom was almost too good.

"Well what if I got it incase I ever got a girlfriend..." Tom mumbled.

"Tom you're too gay to get a girlfriend." Tord joked.

"I-I'm not gayy?" Tom rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously, a nervous chuckle escaping his mouth.

"Yeah you are~" Tord teased, standing up and finding the pregnancy test under the sink.

"You have to be kidding me." Tom muttered, watching Tord with a bored expression on his round face.

"Nope, now piss on the stick." Tord jokingly ordered.

"Okay, just get out so I can fucking piss on it. Even though it's not going to work." Tom said in a bored tone.

"Okay Tommy, I'll get out. And it might work, hell you might not even be pregnant." Tord said walking out of the room.

Tom rolled his eyes.

Timeskip because I ain't writing Tom pissing on a stick.

Tom was sitting on the floor of the bathroom just gazing at the wall, the pregnancy test in his hand. He looked down at it, his breath catching in his thought. "No no how is this possible!?" Tom sounded distressed.

"Tom. Can I come in?" Tord gently called.

"Y-Yeah. Come on in." Tom couldn't stop his voice wavering.

"Okay." Tord opened the door and walked in, now wearing a t-shirt with some Japanese printed on it. He sat next to Tom and wrapped an arm about him. "So? What is it?"

"Positive..." Tom sniffed slightly.

"I'm going to be a dad..." Tord's face lit up. "Oh my god we're going to be dads!" Tord hugged Tom. "We're going to have a child Tom. And it's going to be perfect. You're going to be a great dad."

Tom nodded looking more than scared. "What if a child can't survive?" He sounded like he was going to cry.

"A child will survive, I'll ensure it." Tord stated, matter of factly.

"What if a child does survive? Neither of us had the most stable of father figures. We'll most likely be bad parents." Tom panicked.

"We will not be bad fathers Thomas. We may not even be the best fathers all the time, but if we can just be okay fathers, well that's good by me." Tord consoled the anxious Brit.

"What are we going to do though!?" Tom clung onto Tord's t-shirt like it was his only teather to reality.

"Go back to sleep and figure this out when we're well rested." Tord offered.

"Okay. Lets go back to bed." Tom stood up about to make his way from the room. He was scooped off his feet by Tord, who hugged him close to his body, carrying Tom bridal style from the bathroom and into their bedroom. Tord placed Tom on the purple bed sheet they had stolen from Matt., before tucking him in. "Torddd I'm not a childd." Tom whined.

"I never said you were." Tord stated, pulling off the t-shirt and throwing it somewhere, before climbing into the bed next to Tom. "Goodnight Witness."

"Night Commie." Tom mumbled closing his eyes before drifting into sleep.

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