Chicken flavoured cancer on toaster waffles.

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Tom looked at Tord, his black eyes echoing the confusion on his face. Tord burst out laughing. "What was that about with Edd?" Tom asked Tord, tilting his head.

Tord stopped laughing. "Well we are sitting next to each other in just our underwear and crying, it must look really strange to Edd" he answered, logical as always.

Tom began to laugh too. "I wonder what he wants?"

"Probably to tell us that he made food" Tord said with a shrug. "If so we should get more dressed." Tord cast a glance at Tom's arm, the skin around the cuts pink, but the cuts no longer bleeding. "And I should bandage up that arm." His tone was serious and Tom looked shocked, hiding his cut arm behind his back.

"My arm's fine?" Tom attempted to lie, it ended up sounding like a question.

"Tom, please, I'm not stupid, I know you cut yourself but I want to help you. Let me bandage it up." Tord's tone was full of sympathy but also slightly a command.

Tom nodded and held out the arm. Tod stood up and pulled a battered first aid box from under the bed. He sat back down and opened it, pulling out an unmedicated bandage packet and opened it. "Thank you." He whispered softly before beginning to lovingly wrap Tom's arm up, being uncharacteristically gentle with his actions.

When he was done he safety pinned it in place and got a red Sharpie, he wrote "I love you" with a little heart on it before he decided it was finished.

Tom smiled slightly before hugging Tord. "Thank you." He whispered in Tord's ear. Tord smiled and ran his fingers through Tom's gravity defying hair. Tom pulled away and threw a pillow at Tord. "Get dressed." He jokingly ordered before looking about for some clothes. He settled on a pair of checkered shorts and his typical "stay safe" ASDF shirt. When he was dressed he saw Tord in a white t-shirt with a couple of anime people on it, the shirt said "it's an anime thing you wouldn't understand" on it, Tord was also in some black jeans. Tom chucked to himself.

Tord stuck out his tounge. "Take a photo, it'll last longer." He joked before walking over to Tom.

"You would break the camera Commie." Tom stated.

"You wound me Thomas!" Tord exclaimed dramatically.

"Lets just go downstairs arsehole." Tom said walking from the room, Tord followed him into the kitchen where Edd was sat feeding scraps of egg to Ringo.

Edd looked up. "Oh... Uhhhh... Sorry if I interrupted anything earlier." He sounded awkward and rubbed the back of his neck.

"You didn't interupt anything Edd. We had just finished a cry fest." Tord said walking over to the tall British man.

"Oh... Okay... Want some breakfast, I was gonna make pancakes." Edd offered, loosing the awkwardness, replacing it with his Edd cheery attitude.

"Do we have any honeycomb ice-cream?" Tom asked, as if it were the most rational thing ever.

"Yeah. Matt got some then decided that chocolate was better but got both anyway." Edd informed, raising one eyebrow in confusion.

"Sweet." Tom ducked into the freezer and pulled out the tub. He looked about for the toaster waffles before finding them. He shook his head and put the ice-cream back before grabbing a bag of Ringo's cat food and using it to become tall enough, by standing on it, to grab some chicken flavour super noodles from the top shelf. He put the food down and boiled the kettle.

"What are you doing Tom?" Asked Edd, slightly scared to ask.

"Making my own breakfast." Tom responded. "Not that I don't want your food, I'm just really craving this." He got a measuring jug and measured one third of a pint of boiling water before he got a pan and set it on the hob. He poured the water into the pan before turning the heat to four and adding the noodles, only then did he add the flavour packet. Once he opened the packet and poured it in he ripped it in half, poured the rest of the unnaturally orange powder into the water and noodles and then licked it before throwing the packet in the bin.

"Okay?" Edd sounded confused.

"Don't question it." Tord recommend.

Tom got a plate out and put the waffles, cold, onto it before turning back to his almost finished noodles. Once they were done he poured the chicken flavoured cancer onto the cold sweet waffles. He smiled at the breakfast that even the devil would decline and began to eat.

"WHAT THE FUCK THOMAS!?" Edd yelled, shocked.

"What?" Tom asked, slurping one of the moist chicken flavoured strands.

"You're eating that!? I don't even want to call it food!" Edd questioned.

"Its good! Better than this and ice-cream." He said tearing of some waffle, now soggy from the chicken water and eating it.

Edd looked disgusted while Tord's expression was a mix of pure horror, anger, denial, disgust and acceptance. He appeared to be going through the five phases of greaf in an instant.

Edd decided to drown out the smell of artificial chicken by making some fresh pancakes, not bothering with the store ones he had planned on.

Matt was lured from his attic bedroom by the smell of the freshly baked pancakes. Edd passed Matt the first round and went to making some for Tord. "Tim? What are you eating? Smells worse than your room after that time Edd and I left you here alone!" Matt asked, his nose wrinkled.

"Tom." He corrected the narsiaistic ginger man "Super noodles and waffles!" He chirped.

"Probably pregancy cravings" Tord reassured the disgusted ginger man.

"Gross!" Matt exclaimed before he began to eat.

"Tell me about it." Tord said sarcastically.

"You did start this Tord, I blame you." Edd said, flipping a pancake.

"That's not fair!" Tord exclaimed. "I only suggested. It was his idea to go without protection!"

"Now is not the time for your discription of the act that caused this." Edd informed, playing Tord's pancakes and passing them to him before he started on his own.

"You did bring it up." Tord muttered begining to eat.

Edd rolled his eyes. "How did I get stuck with this?" He muttered to himself.

Matt heard and piped up. "Tim moved in when he was sixteen for reasons known only to him, I moved in two years later to get out of my house and be an adult and I think you kinda just gained Todd a year before me!" He smiled proudly.

"Tom." Tom corrected.

"I'm Tord..." Tord muttered. Matt shook his head.

"I'm confused." Matt whined.

"When aren't you?" Tom questioned sarcastically.

"Be nice Tom." Edd warned.

Tom rolled his eyes and put his plate in the sink before walking from the room to watch TV. He let out a groan of displeasure when the first thing on was an advert for a Christmas sale at Oak furniture land, it was only October for crying out loud!

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