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He always liked brunettes

He always liked their sophisticated look.

But it was her unsophistication that pulled him in

She was sunny and bouncy and everything sophistication wasn't

He liked how the strands of gold, bronze and copper weaved together down her shoulders

Funnily enough, he liked how it wasn't styled at all

Thick and loose and crazy

Her baby hairs stuck up, only made worse when she ran her hands through them

Or made better?

He especially liked her smile - so uncontrolled

She smiled wide and true and sunny

Teeth and eyes gleaming like imploding stars

Her eyes were grey- no, blue, - no green

Little planets full of life

Shining fibres all connected in the centre

But it wasn't the cliché light-eyed colouring he fell in love with,

They were playful; they were teasing

They roamed the room, never resting a second

He couldn't take his own eyes off her.

She was in the midst of a silent conversation with her friend

All eyebrow wiggles and quiet giggles

The friend was the kind of girl he usually liked

Yet she looked so dull next to her.

Then they laughed and

Oh, that laugh

It was just a little too loud to be appropriate; just a little too free

It was pure joy

No calculating politeness

She leant over to whisper something in the friend's ear

And they both cracked up in sunny laughter again

He couldn't help but smile too

She was back in her own world now, seemingly lost in it

He so wished he could see what she was dreaming about; it must be so vibrant to be her

But then her and her friend were walking away.

She bounced when she walked, he noticed.

This one-of-a-kind girl

This joyful girl

This dazzlingly sunny girl was walking away.

She was gone already.

He hoped nobody ever broke her heart. 

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