Peter meets the Ex-Avengers

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3rd pov

Peter felt like something was going to go wrong today because his spider sense was giving him a headache but nothing happened at school. Flash was home sick today and since it was Friday, he had no homework and he could go home and go straight to the lab after he grabs a snack.

Peter was finally in his last class and was getting bored because it was chemistry and even though it was one of his favorite classes, he already knew what they were talking about. He looked at the watch that he got from his dad it holds his iron spider suit it also scans his vitals and has a tracking device in it just in case he gets kidnaped (not the first time it happened). Aunt May died a few weeks after she found out that I was spider-man because she had a fast-acting tumor in her heart that gave her a heart attack, he was at school and he got home to see her dead on the couch. In her will she wanted Tony to adopt him and that is what he did. That was a year and a half ago. Getting out of the daydream/flashback he looks at the watch and sees that he only has one minute till the bell rings so he starts to pack his things in his bag. When he is done with packing the bell rings and he speeds to the front of the school looking for the familiar black sedan that Happy drives. When he hops in the car, he starts to ramble about how his day went.

When they got to the tower and Peter thanked Happy for the ride and through the doors of the tower.

Peters pov

When I got into the tower my spider sense shut off which was weird but I thought nothing of it thinking that I avoided the danger. "Friday, can you take me to the common room please?" I ask as I got into the elevator. "Yes, mini boss" Friday replies as I feel the metal box start to go skyward bound. After a few minutes the elevator stopped and opened. I dropped my bag in the living space and went into the kitchen missing the Ex-Avengers who were sitting on the couch. I went into the cabinet to look for my protein bars. I grabbed two of them put them in my mouth unopened so I can eat them on the way to the lab. As I was about to close the cabinet door, I heard a click of a gun and felt the barrel shoved non too kindly into the back of my head. I slowly put my hands up and turn around to be faced with the Ex-Avengers.

'Well shit!' I thought as I eeped at the sight of them.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in the tower?" Black widow or Natasha Romanoff demanded in her "scary" voice. It did not affect me because I was once tortured for information on the tower and the passwords to dad's warehouses. Yeah that guy was a hundred times scarier than her.

I slowly took the protein bars out of my mouth and tapped my watch on the side to give my dad my location and ask for help without them seeing. "Hi, my name is Peter Parker and I live here." I said slowly. Hoping that dad gets here soon. "What do you mean you live here?" Hawkeye or Clint Barton asked. I'm going to call him birdbrain. "Exactly what I said Birdbrain I live here." I snarked to him not bothering with Natasha anymore I crossed my arms in front of my chest and turned to him.

When I called Clint Birdbrain, Captain America or Steve Rodgers opened his dumb mouth and said "That's not a nice name son." "Don't call me son." I spat angrily at him as I walked away when I was at the elevator it opened to reveal my dad looked at me with relief and was about to ask me what happened but all I had to do was point behind me for him to look and then get slightly mad. "Go to the lab, I'll be down there in a minute after I deal with them." dad told me as he slightly pushed me into the elevator.

Tony's pov

"Why are you here?" I questioned. They looked at me and Sam said "We got pardoned and we were sent to live here. Now can you please tell me who the hell the kid named Peter Parker is?". With a mad grumble at the rouges he replies with a "He is my intern and he is living with me because when he was living with his relatives he was kidnaped and tortured for information on the tower and the passwords to get into my warehouses.". He knew he probably shouldn't have said that much but it just slipped out.

"He was what now because of you?" Steve almost yelled.

Tony knew for a fact that Steve did not know his kid at all and that Peter could take care of himself. For some reason he took offence on the 'because of you' part. He knew that if he did not get to the lab soon Peter would come looking for him then there would probably be trouble. "You know what I'm done right now I'm going to the lab do not disturb me." was all I said and then I turned and left.

Peter's pov

As soon as I got to the lab, I asked for the video of what is going on upstairs and as I watched I got defensive on what Sam and Steve said they could hurt dad if they stay I made a silent conviction that I was going to hurt them if they say or do anything bad to dad. The thing that got me slightly mad what Steve blaming dad for what happened to me. By what dad said about me being just an intern told me he wanted to keep our relationship a secret to the rouges and I was okay with that. When dad said that he was going to the lab I told Friday to get rid of the video just in time for dad to get to the lab.

"If they do or say something against you, I will hurt them with or without your permission, I still have a grudge against the popsicle because of what he did to you in Siberia. They will get hurt if they talk shit about you." I growled out as I hammered on a part of dented metal trying to get the dent out and my frustration out at the same time. Dad just looked at me with a sad smile and gave me a back hug.

Everything was going okay they were leaving my dad alone until about a week after they got back, I was already stressed because it was the final day of school and there were only two classes that day but the problem is is that both of those classes were two hours long and they were finals I was studying past one in the morning because I had spider-manning to do after going to the lab. So, I was tired stressed and pissed because flash decided he wanted to get the best last day for him leaving me with a bruised stomach and back along with a cracked rib. Not to mention the verbal abuse about my family or to his knowledge the lack thereof.

When I got to the tower, I was about done with life just wanting to get a snack then go and take a nap but no the ex-rouge avengers decided to corner me. "What are you to Tony?" asked Clint. All I replied with was "Intern" and nothing else. They asked me simple questions about where I was born, what I wanted to be, how old I am, what college do I want to get into, and stuff like that until the popsicle decided to say something. "Ok, tell the truth are you some type of love child of one of Tony's drunken one-night stands? And what is with the bruises you are sporting does he hurt you when he gets drunk like he does every night?"

Ok now I'm pissed.

By the end of what he says he is in front of me and in arm reach bad move. I grab him by his throat and slam him on the ground. "I am not his biological son but he adopted me two and a half years ago and after what people are calling your little civil war he has not touched a single drop of alcohol and the bruises are because of bullies from the school that I just graduated from that I will not let my dad do anything about now I am warning you if you saw or do anything that would be offensive towards me or my dad I will have you in the med bay with more broken bones then your old brain can count, do I make myself clear?"

I think that he nearly pissed himself because my voice through the entire thing was calm and cold and the look in his eyes reminded me of the look you get when you have seen a ghost. "And that goes for all of you." I said as I get up off of the scared Popsicle. I hear a chorus of "clear" and "yes sir" from the ex-rouges.

Let's just say even Natasha was scared. Funny thing was was that Tony never found out about it and two days later told the new team the real reason why peter was living at the tower minus the whole spider-man thing.

Hi my puppies I hope you enjoy the new book that I am going to be writing. Have a nice night.

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