✰Chapter 1- Leston✰

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There was nowhere for me to go, nothing for me to do to beg my way back into my home that I just been kicked out of simply because of their stupid religious beliefs and their invasion of my privacy. I knew they were homophobic which is why I didn't plan on telling them until I was on my own and supporting myself, but they insisted on going through my things.

I had no idea they even knew the password to my computer but they got in somehow and scrolled through my hundreds of messages within online friends, confirming my attraction to other males. They confronted me once I was home from school and within a few hours I found myself on the street with nowhere to go. I was 19 so legally my parents didn't have to give me any support but still, I was on my own with nowhere to go.

The only person I could think of to go to, to beg for help from, was Preston. He was the only person in the entire world I really trusted, we had been on and off friends for most of our school years, he knew I was gay and I knew he was gay and because our similarly religious families we had agreed to be each others support system in case they found out.

All I had was the clothes on my back and a small backpack with my most important belongings- my phone included. I pulled it out and called him, my fingers shaking, unable to stop tears from falling.

"Lachlan?" He picked up. "What's up?"

I sniffled pitifully, glancing around me see if there was anywhere I could go that was out of the public eye. I really just wanted to be alone.

"What- Lachlan what's going on?" As soon as he had heard my sniffling his casual tone shifted to panicked. "Where are you?!"

"They found out." I mumbled, closing my eyes. "I've got nowhere to go."


The first thing Preston did was offer for me to move in with him in his tiny one bedroom apartment on the outskirts of town. I accepted because although I didn't want to intrude on his life I didn't have any other option and he seemed genuine about it, willing to help me out and look after me when I needed it.

I was sitting on the couch, wallowing in my misery and reflecting over everything that had happened over the last few hours and realizing that my life had changed forever. I was no longer connected to my family, my parents had rejected me simply because of who I liked and at 19, I was on my own.

Preston came up behind me and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, sitting down beside me.

"Do you want something to eat, do you wanna watch and a movie or do you just wanna be alone?" He asked softly, genuine caring in his eyes.

"Can you... can you stay?" I whispered pitifully, sounding like a child. "I don't wanna be alone."

He nodded, grabbing a blanket before settling down beside me, my head resting in his shoulder.

"I won't leave then." He said, smiling. "I promise."


I must have fallen asleep on him because when I woke I was tucked up snuggly on the couch, blanket around me and room was silent. Preston wasn't there and I panicked for a second but when I heard snoring in the bedroom, telling me that Preston was still there, just sound asleep.

Glancing at the clock I saw it was well into the early hours of the morning, 4am with no chance of me getting back to sleep after everything hit me like a truck. The feelings, the overwhelming sense of abandonment, the tears and the panic.

I had had a plan of what my future would look like before, I would go to university with support from my parents who had offered to help me pay, I would find a job and move out before finally telling them that I was gay and hopefully find a boyfriend. But now that was all ruined and I had no idea what I would do.

I didn't like change, uncertainty or instability because my entire life everything had been alright and I liked routine, it was comforting, but now that was all over. My life train had been thrown off the rails, crash landed far away from the tracks and I knew I wouldn't be able to get it back on.

Curled up on the couch I just cried, my hand over my mouth and sobbing into the blanket so I didn't wake Preston, too tired and too emotional to think properly.

All I could think about was what could I do? Where would I go? I couldn't stay with Preston forever, I knew that, and I didn't want to overstay my welcome. This was his home, his money and time that I was using up and I couldn't do it for that long. I wanted to get back on my feet and go, that was it.

I didn't even realise how much noise I was making until Preston was beside me with a blanket around his shoulders. He looked both exhausted and a little annoyed but the second he saw I was looking at him it shifted to a comforting look, making my heart sink for a moment.

"What's wrong?" He whispered, sitting down beside me. "Is there anything I can do?"

I shook my head, my chin resting solidly on my knees. There wasn't really anything he could do, other than be there. I wanted him to be there, someone who might not understand what I was going through but someone who knew the fear of their parents finding out.

"Do you want a hug?" I nodded slowly, stretching my arms out from underneath the blanket in his direction. He took them and pulled me close, my head resting in the crook of his neck and his arms snaking around my waist. He was a little stiff but I put it down to him being uncomfortable, unsure how to deal with my emotional outburst.

It was much easier to keep things under control while lying on his chest, my tears stopping and breathing slowing as my panicking stopped. Preston hand ran shakily through my hair, gently massaging my scalp and making low shushing noises when I hiccupped or another tear fell.

My eyes were almost closed when he leaned down a pressed a kiss to my lips, startling me. He smiled when I opened my eyes.

"It'll be alright. I promise."

Becoming- A Leston/Vikklan/Wooflan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now