✰Chapter 5- Leston✰

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I didn't know if it was punishment or just Preston being spiteful because I didn't want to sleep in his bed with him, but he took all of the blanket from the living room and the cupboard down the hall, leaving me on the couch alone. It was freezing and the house was unheated and he told me I had two choices- have a sleepless and freezing night alone on the couch or come and sleep with him and apologize for my behaviour.

Trapped, that was how I felt, trapped and completely alone. I might have been almost 6 foot 2 and towered over Preston by several inches but he was both heavier and stronger than I was and could easily overpower me if I tried to fight back or escape.

At first I tried to stick it out alone on the couch but as the night ticked on and the last remnants of heat trickled from the house. I was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, Preston had taken my one hoodie as well, and there were goosebumps covering my arms and legs. I was shivering and almost crying.

Even though I had been living with Preston for over a month now Preston hadn't offered and I hadn't had the courage to ask him to get some more clothes. I only had the one outfit I had been wearing the day I was kicked from my parents house and when I had asked Preston what I should wear he had given me- more like thrown- some old clothes in my direction.

No matter how much I told myself that I could stick it out, I could sleep on the cold couch because it was better than the other option of going and sleeping with him, but there was really nothing I could do. I was curled up on myself trying to converse any heat I could but in less than an hour the shivering turned into violent shaking and my teeth chattered.

I was almost crying from the cold and the sharp pains it caused in my fingers and toes.

I had to give in.

I tiptoed into Preston's bedroom, shivering and in pain, hoping that he would be asleep so I could just slip into the bed and that would be the end of it, but unfortunately wasn't the case. Preston was awake and reading something on my- my- phone and looked at me witheringly when I walked in. I stared at my feet, not knowing what to do.

"Well are you going to apologize?" He said condescendingly, surprising me. For what?

"Wh- what for?" I stuttered, visibly confused. He rolled his eyes.

"For being an ass about it. Really, it's not that big of a deal although I suppose you're gonna be precious about it because you're a virgin." That literally confirmed his exact intentions.

"So-sorry?" I said, more as a question. That only earned another eye roll but finally he patted the bed to let me slip under the blankets. I sighed gratefully but the second I was lying down, as far away as possible from him mind you in a double kind bed, he moved closer and slipped his arms around my waist. I was barely able to hold back a physically reaction but inside I was screaming.

There was silence for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I didn't mean it."

I blanched, bewildered and confused. He was flip flopping from one attitude to the other, kind and caring to condescending and spiteful and I didn't know how to react to it. Maybe he was right in treating me like a child because I certainly felt like one, confused and scared and looking for someone to care for me.

I continued to shiver long into the night, even the comfort of the blankets and the warmth of Preston's body I still couldn't stop the cold feeling in my chest. I supposed it was fear this time rather than the cold that was making me shiver but I did feel Preston pinch my arm a few times to make me shut up.

Eventually the shivering ceased and my exhaustion hit me hard, my eyes flickering closed. God, I was exhausted.

I wanted the worry to stop so finally I just closed my eyes and drifted off so sleep.


When I woke up the next morning Preston wasn't there, his side of the bed was cold and blankets lifted up, telling me that he had been up for quite a while. I took a few minutes to myself to gather my thoughts and work out what I was going to do next.

That morning was the first time I had properly been in Preston's bedroom other than subtle glances when I was going to the bathroom. The room was cluttered with belongings, clothes, shoes, books and electronics scattered around the room, photographs of family hung on the walls.

The room smelt like him too and a for a second I froze, my brain forcing me through every memory of Preston and all of the chilling things he had said to me. I shivered, finding my hoodie thrown in the corner of the room and pulling it on, before finally going out into the living room. He barely acknowledged my presence but the second he sat down he looked me up and down.

"Why are you wearing that? I didn't tell you that you could."

"Wai- what? It's mine!" He rolled his eyes.

"I don't care, it's ugly. I don't like it, take it off." I tried to stutter out something that sounded like a no but Preston still insisted that I take it off. It wasn't like I liked the hoodie or anything, it was something my parents had got me, but it was one of the last things I owned and I didn't want to give it up.

"But... it's mine though..." I mumbled, gripping at the hem of the hoodie. "It's one of the last things I have..." Preston stared at me like an idiot, glaring at me which made me shrink in on myself.

"So? It's from your parents isn't it, I thought you hated them? Just get rid of it, burgundy doesn't suit you. Makes you look like a sheet of paper."

I swallowed any more protests and finally took the hoodie off, unsure what to do with it until Preston took it from my hands and left the room. I had no idea what he was doing but at that point but I really didn't care because I was in emotional shock and had no idea what was going on.

I was scared, Preston scared me, and I didn't know what to do.

Was there any way out?

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