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| Beaten Again |

I woke up literally 4 hours after what had happened last night. I couldn't even go back to sleep now, Jinyoung was sleeping peacefully while breathing onto my neck. Even though I want to go back to sleep, I just need to get school over with then head back to the dance studio to practice. I made one movement and looked back at Jinyoung, he was still in a deep sleep according to his soft snores. I proceed to move around and out of his grip. I stood up from the bed and write to the restroom and freshen up. I grabbed the jacket that was hanging from last night to dry. I checked the size incase I grabbed Jinyoung's. I didn't wake up anyone yet even Jinyoung, I planned to go to school very early to make up for yesterday's work. It was only 5am and school really don't start until 8am. I exit the apartment quietly and closed the door shut. I walked out as the sun slowly rise in the distance. I continued making my way down the quiet streets, few car horns were here and there. Not long after, I looked down at my phone for time, it was now getting to 6, an hour walk is really how far the school is from the apartment. Seeing some students were arriving there at this time surprised me too. I entered the school grounds and started to walk in from the front entrance. Again, I noticed some students were staring at me, I then realized there was barely a single female here yet. I wondered again about why the boys like us were focused on studies than girls. Usually back in the other school, boys would usually skip most of the class or not even show up. This school is different, I don't like it, again I'm not here with Jinyoung so this isn't helping my comfort.

"Hey, new kid." I stopped walking and turned to see the same boy that was staring at me.

"Why did you came so early? Where's your boyfriend at this time huh? I noticed you be walking with him everywhere you go. Seeing you here alone making me wonder about what you two did." He said.

"I only came early to make up the work yesterday." I answered and not wanting to answer the second one to mention Jinyoung.

"What about your boyfriend? Aren't you gonna answer that?" He asked again.

I didn't want to answer like I said, I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth. I saw a smirk appear on his face once he figure out.

"Want to be alone huh? Come." He said and walked passed, then he grabbed my wrist dragging me.

"L-Let go!" I stuttered as I was trying to fight against his strength.

Damn it! Why can't I be strong and defend myself for once! I hate having to go through this bullcrap again!

I continued to curse here and there in my mind till the boy throw me in the room. He locked the doors and covered the windows that may expose our location to others. As he was doing that, I tried to dial Jinyoung's number before he focused on me. I was grabbed on the collar and apparently dropped my phone there after hitting the call button. He put me against the table that was next to us. That impact was painful enough, I coughed to my right. The phone was ringing loudly as the guy looked down at my phone.

"Daehwi-ah? Where did you go?"

I heard Jinyoung's voice from the phone, I would say something but he covered my mouth preventing me. The guy looked at me then down at the phone, he continued to do that till he picked up the phone from the ground. He moved the phone next to his ear hearing Jinyoung's panic voice.

"Who is this? What are you doing to Daehwi?!"

I heard shouted through the phone, obviously since the guy pulled the phone away from his ear. Seeing the annoyed look on his face, he ended the call then throw my phone somewhere in the room. I couldn't see where it went, but it did made a loud crashing noise but I couldn't pinpoint where.

"You really thought you could get your boyfriend to help? Bold move of you, I thought you would be tougher." He smirked.

Next thing was punches being delivered to my arm, stomach, etc. I couldn't bare these punches again. He moved me off the table and made me collapsed against the hard floor, I tried to get up but my body was weakened. He grabbed me by the hair before pulling me up from it. I grabbed his hand and tried to loosen the grip but I couldn't due to his strength compared to my weak arm. His free hand grabbed onto mines and moved them behind my back and held it there tightly. I can feel my face scrunching up so much from the pain that I was given.

"Say, you are my next target. You should be fun to mess with, don't worry. I'm not alone, if I catch you alone again, I won't be here all by myself." He said giving me a heads up. "Don't think you would be going to school and not expect one bully."

He let go of my hair and pushed me to the ground from the power he threw my hand at my back. As I laid there, cheeks against the floor, my arms either at my side or above me, I didn't want to move. The last thing he could have said was true after all, LA was the same but it wasn't that bad because my friends would always be there in time. The door was heard being opened and closed shut. I moved a little curling up into a ball on the floor, I was rubbing all the spots that he had punched. The times that I come here early, it's something I regretted now. I really do have to stick with Jinyoung to remained unharmed, there's no one here that I can trust no more.

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