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My shield shatters, and the flames launch at me. I rest on my hands to stop myself from slumping to the floor, my limbs shaking along with my breath. Tears roll down my cheeks, and I sniff weakly as I shake my head and let out a soft sob.

"It's almost pitiful... All that effort, and it amounts to nothing. Julian was the same. He fought and fought, and then, he too realised that it was hopeless. I think I will kill you, and let him live with the memory." The Devil grins, the flames flickering in the reflection of his eyes.


I turn to see Julian struggling towards me, inching closer to the black flames that surround me. I want to yell out to him, to warn him to stay back, but when I open my mouth, I have to close it again to prevent myself from screaming in pain. Julian forces his way through the fires, groaning and then screaming from the burn. Slowly, he gets closer to me, and I hold my hand out for him. As soon as he takes it, I pull him towards myself, feeling my own pain lessen as he falls to his knees beside me.

"Hang on, you two!"

The voice that calls out is Portia's, and I glance to my right to see Portia making her way over to us. She throws herself through the flames, taking my outstretched hand and dropping to her knees beside me. Asra is next, rushing against the black fire to rest his hand on my shoulder. Nadia stands, and marches boldly through the fires, gritting her teeth and narrowing her eyes but giving no other indication that she's in pain.

She drops beside Asra, and places her hand on my other shoulder. The pain is bearable now, and I manage to get to my feet, pulling Julian and Portia with me. Salim and Aisha help one another through the flames, placing their hands on my upper arms. My skin glows vibrantly, the power surging through me shining like a beacon.

"No, no this isn't happening!" The Devil roars, clenching his fist and shaking his head. "How can this be?" He asks, slamming his fist down on the arm of his throne. He steps over to us, reaching out with his blackened claws.

Though he grabs at the ropes, he cannot break them, and I allow myself a small smile. The ropes wrap themselves around the Devil's wrist, holding him in place. The glowing ropes bind his arms and legs, snaking their way around his body. The pain in my body subsides almost completely, and I feel Julian relax beside me.

"MC... What're you doing? How?" He wonders, watching as the ropes cause a glowing white light to wash over the devil.

No matter how much he struggles, no matter how much he screams, the Devil cannot stop the magic from swamping him, and I realise that he's turning to stone. He howls angrily, his teeth bared in a furious snarl.

"No, no you cannot beat me! I'll escape, I'll destroy you! I'll-"

The Devil is cut off mid threat, his entire body petrified and devoid of colour. The flames flicker and die around us, and as everyone slowly let's go of me, the glow beneath my skin dies and exhaustion washes over me. Julian catches me as I collapse, pulling me into himself and pressing his lips to mine.

"MC... MC, you did it, you beat the Devil!" He beams at me between kisses, holding me close.

"We did it." I correct him, smiling as my eyes brim with tears. We did it, we beat the Devil... Julian and I can be together, just like we wanted to... The thought overwhelms me, and I press my face into the side of his neck as joyful tears roll down my cheeks.

Salim, Asra, and Aisha set to work, taking one another's hands and looking to the rest of us.

"We need to restore the Arcana realms and our own, we need to separate them again." Asra informs us, holding his hand out for me.

I nod and wipe my cheeks, holding Julian's hand while I take Asra's. Portia takes Julian's free hand, while Nadia takes hers. When Nadia's hand rests on Aisha's, power surges through us once again, though instead of just my skin glowing, all seven of us glow with magic. We close our eyes, and magic pools in the circle between us, surging and collecting until it threatens to knock us off our feet.

Aisha breaks the circle by letting go of Salim and Nadia, and we all in turn let go of one another. The magic casts itself out, and with that, the red light from outside recedes, leaving behind the sunny blue sky of Vesuvia. The ground trembles as our world splits from the world of the Arcanas, and when the earth stills, Nadia clears her throat.

"And now, I think we should all get some well deserved rest." 

After the End (Julian and MC)Where stories live. Discover now