Chapter 2

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The Caller I.D. read one name.

Tony Stark


Peter was freaking out. Why would Mr. Stark be calling him? Did he find out about the move? Peter had so many questions swirling around his mind, just trying to figure out why this was happening. Peter answered the phone, flustered.

"M-Mr. Stark! Is there something that you need me for?" Peter questioned.

"Hey kid. I noticed that Spider-man wasn't out today. Did something happen kid?" Mr. Stark asked the teen.

"O-oh, well. That's a bit of a long story. My-" Mr. Stark cut him off.

"Ummm, kid I think that you should know that all of the other Avengers are sitting here listening in to this conversation. Their also worried about you." Mr. Stark warned Peter.

"Oh ok. Well, I moved to Riverdale." Peter said quickly. After he said that, he moved the phone a little bit away from his ear, and it was lucky that he did.

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?" All of the Avengers yelled simultaneously. They were surprised at the news, as Peter had been expecting them to be.

"Why didn't you tell us Queens?" Cap said. He started calling Peter 'Queens' after the battle in Germany and when Peter refused to reveal his identity, it just stuck.

"I only found out about it yesterday! I didn't have enough time to tell everyone I knew!" Peter exclaimed. He then realized the mistake he had made in saying that he "found out" that he was moving. That's when the questions started. Except, only one person asked a question.

"Wait. Who are you exactly, Паук младенца?" Nat asked him.

"Ummm, I guess I have to say now. My name is Peter Parker, and I'm 15 years old." Then it was Clint who spoke up.

"Wait, your 15!?!?!?! Tony, you brought a kid to fight in Germany?!?!" After Clint said that, everyone started blowing up at Tony. Tony hung up so he could deal with the angry Avengers, while Peter got mad at himself for slipping up. Little did he know, there was a group of friends watching him from the doorway of Pop's.

Peter didn't realize them watching until he turned that way, and he stopped in shock at the fact that they were watching him freak out.


The group of friends were watching the new stranger in town freak out. They kept hearing him muttering to himself, saying that he was an idiot and that they would never let him keep being "one of them" whatever that meant. Then Jughead spoke up.


"You okay man?" Jughead said.

"Yeah. I'm fine, thanks though." Peter replied. "I-I better get going before the food gets cold. I'm guessing I'll see you guys tomorrow" Then, Peter started heading to his new home. It sounded weird in his head. "His new home." He still couldn't believe he moved. How was he supposed to be Spider-Man now? That's when he realized, he can't go out as Spider-Man for a week or two, or else people would start to get suspicious about him. How was this supposed to work? Oh well, he'd figure it out when he got home. That's when he felt multiple people following him. He looked around and saw the group of friends following him home, only it didn't look like they were following him. It looked more like they were walking in their own, going to their own destination. He just decided to block it out, look forward, and put in his sound cancelling earbuds that Mr. Stark made for him to help with sensory overloads, and listen to music to try and block them out. Only, he felt two people, staring holes into the back of his head.

He looked behind him, only to see Jughead and Archie staring at him, confused and concerned. He looked back in front of him, only to see that he was close to his house. He sped up his walking, so the group would stop staring at him. He felt Betty and Veronica start looking at him, too, when he sped up. That only made him walk faster. He got to the driveway, and went up to the door. They were confused at why the new kid was walking into the vacant house next to Betty's. Then they heard something that he said before he closed the door.

"Hey Aunt May! I'm back from Pop's!" They heard Peter say. Did that mean that he was just living with his aunt? They went back to Archie's house, and talked about the mysterious stranger. Archie's dad walked in, and asked what they were talking about.

"It's nothing Dad, just this new kid." Archie told him.

"Really? What's their name?" Fred asked.

"Peter. Peter Parker." Jughead replied.

"Parker? As in Ben and May Parker?" He asked.

"Uhhhhhh maybe. I heard him tell his Aunt May that he was back from Pop's." Archie said.

"Do you know where his house is?" Fred asked.

"Yeah. It's on the other side of mine. Why?" Betty asked.

"Just wanted to welcome them to the neighborhood, that's all."

Fred ran off to the Parker household and knocked o the door. Peter answered.

"Hi. How can I help you?" Peter asked the man at the door. He introduced himself as Fred Andrews, and asked if there was someone home by the name of May or Ben Parker. Peter said that May was home, and went to go and get her.

"Fred Andrews as I live and breathe." May said. "Come in, come in."

"Hey, May. What are you doing back in Riverdale? And where's Ben?" Fred questioned.

"My nephew and I needed a change of scenery." May said, avoiding the topic of her deceased lover. Although, she did look saddened by the mention of Ben, and Fred noticed it.

"What's wrong May?" Fred asked the saddened widow. Only, he didn't realize that she saddened when he mentioned Ben.
Hey guys. I know that I'm kinda late on the upload, but I hope that this will make up for it. I wanted to continue it and upload it like a week ago, but I got writers block and forgot to upload what I had. Enjoy!
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