looking back

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At that point, I had completed thirty-eight missions successfully. Considering my age, that was quite a feat, although I was counting all the missions I simply took part in at a young age, or the missions that I helped organize when I was still training.

In truth, my father wouldn't let me participate fully in a mission until I was seventeen. So I wasted years of prime fitness making up the mission bags and refilling guns. Necessary work, I get it, but it's not exactly thrilling. And it pains me looking back to think of all the time wasted.

By the time my thirty-ninth mission came around though, I had completed twelve proper missions, and I was very confident in myself. I thought I could take down anyone, I thought I could be running Kingsman in no time at all.

I was foolish, but goddamn I was good in the field.

I had my mindset perfect, nothing distracted me from my work, which was mostly due to my lack of a social life. My work was my life. My family was my work colleagues, especially my father.

Which is why my thirty-ninth mission was not my best work. Because of one particular distraction that I could not ignore.

Eggsy fucking Unwin.

[211 words]

mission thirty nine ~ eggsy unwinWhere stories live. Discover now