Chapter 7 (secret's out)

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Slade POV

A.J. and I were congratulating Reece when I saw Bennett coming over with some of his friends. Great,  what does he want? He's not looking at Reece or I, he's looking at....A.J.?  What does he want with A.J.?  I promised her I wouldn't let him bother her and I'm gonna keep that promise. Even if she does hate my guts.
"Hey,  Reece. Good race, congrats." Bennett said as he made it over. A.J. took a small step so that she was behind me. I don't think anyone noticed except me.
"Thanks." Reece says back watching him carefully.
Bennett turns to A.J.'s bike and points to it, "Although, I'm not surprised. You do have one of the fastest bike racers in your corner." What is he talking about?  A.J. don't race.
"What are you talking about? That bike don't race." Reece said.
Bennett shook his head chuckling, "Not from what I've saw."
"A.J. what's he talking bout?" I asked looking back at her. She had been standing quietly behind me the whole time. Which was weird, because first, she's mad at me why would she stand behind me and not Reece. Second, she's never quiet.
"I have no idea." She said shrugging.
"Wait, you didn't tell them. Wow, A.J. I'm surprised. Well,  since she won't tell you I will. You know how I lost to that bike racer last week, " My eyes widened in realization, "that was A.J."
Reece turns and looks at A.J. in shock and anger. I can tell he's hurt that she would go behind his back. She's like a little sister to him.
"You raced!?" Reece yells.
"I had to prove that girls can race too. The only reason I didn't tell you is because I knew you would react like this." A.J. said throwing her hands up in the air. I could tell Reece felt bad for yelling at her.
"Reece, man. Go easy on her." I said stepping in front of him and A.J.
"I'm sorry A.J." He said. She nods and one of Bennett's friends, Quinton, steps up.
"Bennett wants a rematch."
"Well, I don't know why. I already proved I can beat his a**." She said crossing her arms over her chest.
"You b*tch!  Come here!" Bennett tried going after A.J. but I put my hand on his chest.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I warned him, pushing him back.
"How bout you race me?" Quinton asked putting his hand out to A.J.,  "500?"
A.J. shook his hand, "Deal."
Quinton went to get ready for the race with Bennett following him. Reece and I turn back to A.J. as she was getting on her bike. "You're not doing this." Reece said as she started driving to the start line. I just stayed leaned up against my car. I believed she could do it. I mean, that girl is bad a**.


I made it to the start line with Reece right behind me.
"Are you sure you can do this?  Because if something happens to you,  your dad will put me six feet under without blinking an eye." That's true, my dad would do that. After my mom died when I was three, he became really protective.
"Reece, do you trust me?" I asked him holding my helmet.
He looked at me weirdly, "Of course, I trust you with my life."
"Then trust me when I say, I got this."
"Ok, but if something happens. You get, I mean it."
"What about my money?"
"Slade and I will get your money."
I nod my head as Quinton rolled up next to me in his car. "You scared, princess?" He asked and I flipped him off. Reece chuckled before he started walking over to Slade. Slade was leaned up against his car with his hands in his pockets. I don't know why I stepped behind him earlier. It just made me feel safe. We make I contact and he gave me a nod. The nod. I smiled and nodded back. I put my helmet on and turn back to the race. Ok, let's do this.

A/n: Hey y'all. What did you think about Slade being protective of A.J.?  Do you think A.J. will win the race? And what about Slade giving her the nod? Comment and vote. -<3

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