I was sleeping peacefully until I hear my alarm go off. I get up early so I could get ready. Mom and dad were still asleep. That's how early I woke up. While I was getting ready, Alex was calling me on my computer. I answered. "Good morning Alex" I said as I sit on the chair. "Good morning (Y/N), wow..it seems kinda dim in your room" he said as he was eating toast. "I woke up early so I could get ready and look good for my first day of school" I say as I open my box of macaroons. I pick one up and look at it, then I take a bite. "Oh my god! This is good!" "What are you eating?" Said Alex. "It's called a macaroon. My friend Luka, he has a friend who works at a bakery. So while I was hanging out him yesterday, he introduced me to her and she gave us some free sweets!" I said as a talk with my mouth full. "Eww, talk when your mouth isn't full silly. Hahaha" said Alex. I swallow the macaroon that I had in my mouth. I finished getting ready while talking to Alex. "(Y/N)! Time to go to school!" Mom yells. "Alright mom!" I yell back. "I have to go, tell everyone I love them and I miss them" I said as I get my bag. "Will do, and I'll take a picture of the squad and send it to you" He says happy but sad at the same time. "Thanks. Bye!" I said as I'm about to hang up. "I lo-" "shot! I clicked as he was about to say something." I walk down stairs. "I'm gonna walk to school with a friend mom" I said as I hug her and dad. "Have fun sweetie" said dad. "Bye!" I say as I walk out. And as soon as I do, I see Luka. "Good morning Luka!" I say as I go up to him. "Good morning beautiful" said Luka. "Is your sister gonna walk with us?" "Nah, she walking with her friend" he says as he starts walking. I follow him. "Are you excited for your first day here (Y/N)?" Said Luka. "I am! I'm really nervous but also excited!" I say as I rub the back of my neck. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. Plus you already have a group of friends including me" he says pointing at his chest. I giggle. "Heheh..you have a cute giggle" said Luka while looking at me with the corner of his eye. I start to blush. "Aww t-thank you Luka." I said. "Well, we're here. You should sit next to me if we have any classes together" He said as we stand in front of the school. This school is HUGE!! I could get lost in seconds! "Ok" I say obviously nervous. I'm guessing Luka could tell I was nervous. He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, you'll be fine. I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise" he saids with a super sweet smile. His smile makes me calm down a bit. "A-alright" I said as I get him a happy but nervous look. He lets go of my shoulder then holds my hand. I start blushing even more. "C'mon, lets go get your schedule." I stare at him for a few seconds then a nod. As we walked,I realized he was holding my hand but I wasn't holding his hand back.
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(↗️Something like this if your confused↖️) So after realizing I wasn't holding his hand, I held his hand. I guess he was a bit shocked I held his hand back because he looked at me and blushed. He smiled while blushing as we walked to get my schedule. "Ask the lady at the front desk for your schedule and she'll give it to you. I'll wait right here for ya" said Luka as he let go of my hand. "Alright" I say as I walk into the office. "E-excuse me?" I said all nervous. "How can I help you?" The lady at the desk said. "I-I'm new here..a-and I need my s-schedule p-please?" I say. "Name please." "(F-F/N) (L-L/N)" I say with my hands behind my back. I can hear Luka lightly laughing at me. I look back him with a nervous smile. He gives me a thumbs up while laughing a bit. I stick my tongue out at him. "Ah yes, here you go" the lady says as she gives me my schedule. I thank her then leave. As soon as I walk out Luka hugs me. I blush a lot. "Ahaha..your to cute when your nervous" said Luka as he lets go and holds my hand. I hold his hand back and lightly punch his shoulder. "N-no I'm not!" I said while laughing. "Anyways, let me see your schedule cutie" he said. I give it to him and he takes a good look at it. "Nice! We have the same classes!" (Ofc they do >:3) "R-Really?" I said as I take back my schedule back. "Yeah" He said while handing it back. "I am totally sitting next to you in every class" he saids as he winks at him. I giggle. "That's fine with me" I say with a small smirk and a small shrug. He blushes a bit and smiles. "Let's get to class cutie" he says as we start walking. "We're still holding hands! Eek!" I thought to myself.