𝘼𝙧𝙩 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 🎨

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Me & Luka walk into our next class laughing and holding hands again. "Oh look! It's Luka and his little girlfriend holding hands. How gross" said chloé. "What? Got a problem with me holding my gir-" Luka said as he was about to finish his sentence but he was cut off. "Chloé chill, they AREN'T dating" said Adrien as he looked at me then winked. I just stare at him with my mouth open abit then instantly close my mouth as I have a huge smile while waving at him as I blush. "Wow. How are you gonna give MY Adrien goo-goo eyes right in front of your boyfriend. Such a hoe" said cholé. I blush in embarrassment. "I-I..wait-Huh? N-no! Me and lu-" Luka cut me off. He hugs me. My head was right where his heart is and I could hear it beat. Luka was facing towards chloé. But I was ignoring the fact he was yelling at her. The sound of his heart beat was all I was paying attention to. I could still hear him arguing with. "Don't EVER call her a hoe. She is not a hoe" said Luka in a very angry tone. "Yes she is! She was JUST blushing and giving MY Adrien goo-goo eyes while holding your hand! That makes her a hoe!" Said chloé as she stood up and slammed her hands on the table. "Listen you little bit-" I cut Luka off. "Luka! Leave her alone. She's just picking on me because she's a sad and lonely teen has no friends and nothing better to do with her life" I say as I drag Luka to a table in the back of the room. "Oooooooooooh!!!" Said the whole class. Chloé just sat down and crossed her arms. "Sorry I'm late class. I was at a small meeting. Anyways..welcome to art class. As you can see, there is paper, color pencils, paint, paint brushes and etc. So since today is the first day, today will be easy. I want you all to draw someone you really love. Anyone you'd like. Get to drawing" said the art teacher in a super sweet tone. "Who are you gonna draw (Y/N)?" Said Luka. Hmm..who am I gonna draw. OH! I know who exactly who to draw! I pull out my phone and pull up a picture of a group photo of me and my old friends. "I'm gonna draw my old friends from where I used to live" I say with such a huge smile across my face. "What about you..who are you gonna draw?" I said. "Hold still please cutie" said Luka as he..looked at me? I just sat there very still. "Ok thanks" Luka said as he started to draw. "So who gonna draw Luka?" I say again. "Well..sh-she said to draw someone w-we lo-lov-love, so..I-I'm drawing..yo-you" said Luka as he was drawing and starting blushing. I just sat there looking at him while blushing a lot. "A-awww, L-Luka" I say as I giggle  a bit. "Hey (Y/N)? This might sound weird but..can I take a picture of you" said Adrien as he walked up to mine and Luka's table. "Y-Your drawing her as well?" Said Luka a bit annoyed. "Well..I was gonna draw our little gang and I wanted to add her as well" said Adrien as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Awww. How sweet of you Adrien. But yeah for sure." I say and I smile at him. Adrien pulls out his phone and takes a picture. "Heh. Thanks" he says as he walks back to his seat. Luka scoots closer to me. I start to draw on my paper.
(⚠️!!⚠️THIS IS NOT MY ART! THIS IS JUST A GACHA LIFE EDIT MY SIS MADE!! DO NOT TAKE!!⚠️ ❗️(I know my sis isn't that good so please don't hate!! And pretend the drawing looks WAY much better then this edit)❗️

(⚠️!!⚠️THIS IS NOT MY ART! THIS IS JUST A GACHA LIFE EDIT MY SIS MADE!! DO NOT TAKE!!⚠️ ❗️(I know my sis isn't that good so please don't hate!! And pretend the drawing looks WAY much better then this edit)❗️

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After a while, I see Luka looking at in the corner of my eye so I look at him. "Wow...(Y/N)...you draw...really good!!!" Said Luka kinda loud. I blushed a bit. I'm not sure if it's because he said that out loud or because he likes my art. "Aww, Thanks Luka" i said with a smile. "Who are they tho..?" Said Luka. "The girl in pink is my bestie Camila, then this girl is my other bestie..her name is Ally" I said pointing at them. "Then there's your cute self in the middle I see?" Said Luka as he got super close to me. I started blushing more. "Y-Yeah..h-heh.." I said as I was about to put a piece of hair behind my ear, but Luka beat me to it. I looked him and stared into his eyes. He slipped his hand from behind my ear to my cheek. Then he looked back into my eyes while giving me this small cute smirk look. "Wow! You draw really good (Y/N)!! Really!!!" I heard Adrien say. I look at Adrien as Luka still had his hand on my cheek. "Ugh..I was just about to kiss her.." mumbled Luka. I ignore him for a second to face Adrien as Luka let go. "Aww. Thanks Adrien" I say. "Who are they anyways..?" Said Adrien. "That's Camila and that's Ally, then that's me. An-" I was cute off by Adrien. "You look really cute in this picture" he said with a small wink. I started to blush again. "Aww..th-Thank you" I say. "Yeah she does right? A real cutie~" said Luka as he wrapped this arm around my shoulder. Adrien growled lightly. "A-anyways..the boy next to me Alex. And finally the last boy is Nick. We're all very close friends.." I say happily. "Does that Alex guy like you? He looks like he's blushing while looking at you" pointed out Adrien. "Yeah..he does.." I said. Then the bell rings. "Alrighty class. Please put your drawing on my desk and you are free to leave" said the art teacher. We put our drawing up then I walk back to my desk real quick to get my bag. Luka stays at the door. Adrien came with me tho. "We still gonna hang out after school?" Said Adrien. "Yeah totally" I say as I put my bag on. "Cool, want me to walk you to your next class?" Said Adrien as we walked to Luka. "Actually I'm gonna walk her because we have the same classes" said Luka as he went up to me and put his arms around my shoulders. "Oh really? That's cool" said Adrien. I nodded with a smile. "Well I have gym next so cya guys later" said Adrien as waves at us. I waved back but Luka didn't. "Cya after school Adrien!" I said as me and Luka walked to our next class.

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