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"Why are you stressing yourself!" My mom yelled and I ignored her while my dad sighed at the both of us. She suddenly grabbed me and shook my shoulders multiple times
"You're breaking your father's heart" she said with urgency and I laughed

"He's not my dad, mom" I said and my dad sighed again

So let me fill you in on what happened

After Miguel taught me how to pray we chatted for a while and he promised to help with my leg therapy (yay) and let just say my parents were looking for me because they didn't see me in the ballet studio or at home, and now, they wouldn't let me go to my room in peace

"Odette we were worried sick, what if something happened?" My dad asked and I laughed

"Nothing happed, I'm here aren't I?" I replied and my mom suddenly got angry
"I didn't train you like this Odette!" My mom yelled and I laughed
"Mom can you please stop! You guys are hiding something and you don't want to tell me" I yelled back before thinking about it
"Or am I adopted?" I asked and my mom sat down on the chair
"Oh God!" She exclaimed with a broken voice while my dad looked away

"Is that it? I'm adopted?" I asked with a teary voice and they didn't answer for a while
"Mom? Dad?" I cried and my dad finally looked up. His eyes were also teary
"Odette you are not adopted" he whispered
"Then what are you guys hiding!" I yelled and my dad sighed
"The thing is Odette," my dad started and my mom's head snapped to the side so fast I thought it was going to break
"Peter please don't!" She said and I glared at her

"Mom, if you don't tell me I won't speak to you again" I threatened and she stood up
"O ma baje oh (you are spoilt oh)" she said and I smiled
"Goodnight dad" I said then walked to my room. As I closed the door, my heart began to beat so fast that I had to massage the spot

"Calm down Odette, calm down" I whispered to myself and jumped when Kathy suddenly appeared

"Hey, give me some warning before jumping out of the blue!" I yelled and she glared at me
"You know what Odette, I thought I could depended on you but you're just like the others, no wait you're worse than the others!" She yelled and I dropped my bag on the ground before staring at her blankly

"Can't you even apologize?" She asked and I felt my anger build up in me
"See Kathy I have my life to live and I'm also going through stuff, so I'm sorry I couldn't be your very own Sherlock" I replied and as her anger grew, the energy around her grew brighter which made me to squint my eyes

"You promised" she said and I sighed

"I'm sorry Kathy" I replied after a long silence.
"A lot has been going on in school" I started remembering horrific memories of what Blake and his entourage say to me
"They say and do a lot of mean things and its really hard to stomach it" I sobbed and her features softened
"Skin colour?" She asked and I nodded
"Odette" she cooed and I cleaned the few tears that escaped
"Its okay" I lied before sitting on my bed
"I'm going to be in the ballet studio throughout tomorrow, so maybe we'll go together" I said and she smiled before hugging me

Woah, she can touch me?

"Kathy?" I said uneasily when I began to feel cold
"Sorry sorry" she said then let go of me before smiling
"This is great" she beamed before standing up
"Get some shut eye" she said then disappeared

"What a wonderful good night" I whispered before getting my phone. I dialed Korede's contact and it rang for a while before he finally picked up

"Korede?" I said and there was silence at the other end which got on my nerves

Damn network

"Hello" I said and there was a low screech before someone finally spoke up
"Hello" it wasn't Korede, in fact it wasn't even a guy
"Who's this?" She asked and I felt a pang of jealousy run through my soul like an angry mob chasing a thief
"Where's Korede?" I asked, ignoring her question and she sighed

OdetteWhere stories live. Discover now