never ending

338 18 25

Never ending, never ending.

Coiny was trapped, trapped by a flower. He couldn't get it off his wrist. No matter what he tried.

He'd found it in the forest while exploring. It had  wrapped itself tightly around his wrist. No one seemed to know what it is. Not even Gb or Tb. Which was worrying.

no one could figure out how to get off, either. He was alone in the situation.

Alone, alone.

Coiny felt different after the flower made itself at home on his wrist. Something about him felt off, but he couldn't tell what. He started to distance himself from others, who knows what this flower could do?

Maybe not the best move though.

The pain, the pain.

Things only seemed to get worse.

The flower started to get a tighter grip on his arm and start to grow incredibly sharp thorns, thorns that dug into his arm painfully.

He didn't know what to do.

Coiny spent many days sitting on a cliff, far from the edge, staring into the distance. His teammates sometimes visited, specifically Pin.

But sometimes when he was alone, out of desperation, he tried to get the flower off in anyway possible. Biting it off, forcing it off with a stick, etc.

None of it worked. He ended up with long painful scars, but these scars weren't as painful the increasing tightness of the stem and the sharp pain of the thorns digging into his arm.

Everyday Coiny woke up and the flower was tighter. Sharper pain.


The pain was absolutely unbearable, there were so many scars on Coiny's arms from desperately trying to get the flower off.

Coiny knew there was only one thing left to do.

He had to cut off his arm.

Tears streamed down Coiny's cheeks as he rose the knife above his scarred arm. There was no going back now.

His arm fell on the ground, the flower shriveling up and dying instantly.

He was free.

But at the cost of his arm.

Never ending Where stories live. Discover now