Wake up, Michelle.

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I felt like I was going to break.

Seriously, if someone were to say something to me, I would start bawling my eyes out.

My friends knew that about me by now, so they just left me alone after the doctor told us Minx's state.

A coma.

Half of the people that were in coma's, they didn't wake up...

Time passed.

Ken was calling people, like that Netty girl he talks about and the school.

Marzia eventually woke up after being unconscious for a while.

The rest of the guys talked, while Melanie kept running around getting coffee and donughts and other things.

Kalel eventually got up, and came back looking really pale. Tears were slowly sliding down her face.

"Kalel? Babe, what's wrong?!" Anthony said alarmingly as he stood up to hug her.

We all stayed silent, waiting for Kalel to tell us what she had seen.

"It's Ashley. She didn't make it." She said as she covered her mouth and Anthony held her in a bear hug.

At the same time, a doctor came down the hallway saying that we could go see Michelle, and that she was now awake.

Minx's POV

After what felt like ages of being lost in the dark, my eyes slowly opened up.

In my small hospital room stood a person that I did not want to see. Ever.

Jordan was looking at me with fish eyes: grey, cold, dead.

"You are finally awake." He said simply, his face showing no emotion whatsoever.

"Where are my friends?" I replied to him with the same tone.

"On their way to your room right now, but I need to make something clear to you first." He said clenching his fists.

I was officially scared.

"Hurry up Cry!" The voices in my head screamed.

He came closer to me, so close our noses were touching.

"Wha-What do you want?" I said slowly. His breath smelt like liquor, from some kind of illegal drink for a high schooler.

He disgusted me.

I turned my head away from him, only for him to pull it closer to him as he crashed his lips on mine.

I tried to wiggle myself away from him, but he was too strong. This kiss was nothing compared to my first kiss with Cry.

He pulled away smirking, and I looked away from him to see Ryan himself in the doorway, with tears running down his face.

"Ryan it's not what it-" I started but he ran away.

I just sat there in shock.

"That's what you get for killing Ashley." Jordan said as he left the room.

What have I done?


Hey Yall! Before I go go go, I just want to say that I just started a new fanfic!!!

Its based on this story, but a different 'couple', CinnamonToastKen and ScribbleNetty! So check it out, cuz I shall be putting up more parts to that one soon!

Anywho, read, comment and follow me yall;)

Love yall,

- Girly_Anya2002

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