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Chapter 18 - Paparazzis attack

Chapter 18 - Paparazzis attack

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。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚

"WHERE IS CIERRA?" Lionel Messi asked entering the dining room. Antonella was sweating now as she took out the cookies from the oven.

"She went to some place."

"Yeah what kind?" He asked sitting on the chair bringing an apple to his mouth. "I- I. ."

"Antonella there are so much things that you can do. But you've never been a good liar. Now tell me, where is she? I thought she liked it here." Lionel frowned.

"You know, when are you going to stop treating her like a child. She's in Madrid now. Trying to see Cristiano." She said sternly.

"But Anto. . Didn't you stop her from going?"

"I didn't and it's for the best."

Lionel got up. "Ah ah where do you think you're going?" She raised her eyebrow bringing Lionel to sit again.

"Anto! She needs my help."

"The one that needs help in this situation is you. Grow up. Stop trying to protect her. She's a UFC fighter for god sakes. I'm telling you this once and you have to listen to me Lionel." She said cupping his cheeks.

"Cierra grew up liking you and you don't want her to turn her 180 degrees. If you really love her and you trust her. . You will leave them be."

Lionel hesitated at first but then gave up.

"I've been too hard on them and I'm a fool for that. It's like I've created a new version of Romeo and Juliet." Lionel groaned looking at his wife.

"I hope what she sees that day turned out to be like he said." Lionel scoffed. "But if he hurts Cierra one more damn time. I'm going to personally kick his ass." Lionel muttered.

"I believe theres no need for that. She could do a better job in kicking ass than you." Antonella smirked.

"Well I suppose, you're right."

"So you're boyfriend and girlfriends now?" Melissa had her mouth agape

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"So you're boyfriend and girlfriends now?" Melissa had her mouth agape. "And you managed to get Gareth Bale while you're at it. Great job, Mel." Cierra laughed.

"Hey, we were destined to be with each other." Mel blushed looking up at non other than Gareth Bale. Cristianos teammate.

"How'd you two even met? I don't recall introducing you two?" Cristiano raised his eyebrow. "Well long story short, Gareth fell in love with me at first sight and asked me to go out with him right there and there." Melissa ranted.

"Well thats not much of a story?" Cierra asked.

"Because it's not like that," Gareth cleared his throat. "I did say I wanted a girlfriend when I happen to be in the same place as you guys. I was walking down his apartment when I noticed someone staring at me."

"I thought she was a fan at first but I then recognized her as that famous Model from the states. And for the record, she asked for my number first!" He said proudly earning a blush from Melissa.

"Okay thats enough about us. You're a thing now. You, a Messi! Wait does Leo even know about it yet?" She asked.

"Er, he kinda knows but. . I haven't confirmed anything serious."

"You haven't?! Oh no, but he's Lionel. He would be furious if he finds out that you're dating. Let alone dating the opposing teams captain?!" Melissa gasped.

"You're also dating a Madrid player Mel I-"

"Excuse me do I look like I have a legendary soccer player as my brother??" Melissa whisper yelled. "Okay guys while we're talking about it. I think you might have attract a couple of paparazzis."

They all spun their heads to see two paparazzis clearly hiding behind a wall. "They think they slick but they ain't." Melissa said.

"Okay thank you for telling us Bale, so what now? Run the heck out of this place?" She asked. "I believe that could work." Cristiano said grabbing his phone and holding onto Melissas hands tight.

"Sir we might have a problem." One of Cristianos bodyguard whispered. "What is it?" Cristiano asked whilst paying for the bill.

"They had the whole entrance covered. We may leave with some pictures on the net." They said concerned.

Cristiano facepalmed himself. "Smooth." Cierra said crossing her arm. "Okay its not my fault that I always attract paparazzis everywhere I go." He scoffed.

"I can't be seen with you again okay?! And if this gets on the news Leo will surely freak out." Cierra groaned. "Hey you're not the only one who's going to be on the news. What if I got a case on dating a minor?" Bale asked.

"Gareth, Mels not a–"

"Okay look at me in the eye and tell me Melissa doesn't look like a freaking high school girl." Bale said. "You really don't age well do you Mel?" Cristiano asked.

"Guys! We have to get out of this place! Fast! I'm starting to feel a poop coming!" Melissa frowned. "Theres a bathroom here?"

"I never shit on a bathroom other than my own so I would like to leave now please."

"Oh! We can just go to the secret backdoor in the guys bathroom!" Bale said pausing everybody. "I've encountered a thousand of scenarios like this. Come on." Bale chuckled while the three follows.

"See? Secret passage." Bale said, "Ooh I feel like I'm in Hogwarts." Melissa chuckled.

"After you" Bale said holding the door for his date. "Will you be okay?" Cristiano asked worried. "Yeah, they can't take anymore pictures of us. You know I always have tolerate paparazzis up until now."

"Okay then. . I'll carry you if anything goes crazy."

They sneaked in outside and see their parked cars. "Oh god paparazzis are everywhere." Bale muttered. "Yeah they look like ants holding cameras." Melissa chuckled.


"I'm sorry for being improper but–" Cristiano gave her his hat to wear and carried her bridal style to the car. "No no nothing to see here." He muttered while starting the engine and leaving.

"I can't believe we got pass that!" Cierra gasped.

"Yeah but Gareth and Mel never made it." Cristiano said looking through his windshield. "They would never write nasty articles about him right?"

Cristiano shrugged, "Yeah, hope so."

To be continued

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