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Chapter 16 - Rejected

Chapter 16 - Rejected

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。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚

Cierra hear me out! It's not like you think it is

Please I know you're reading this

Just give me a single reply

Do you wish to block contact?

Yes / No

Please. . I love you
*Message not sent*


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IT WAS A RATHER SUNNY DAY IN BARCELONA. Cierra Messi was back at her home with Antonella keeping her company. "Cierra you have a visitor." She called out from the kitchen.

Cierra nodded preparing herself for her guest. And guess who's at the door?

Non other than his first love. Marc Ter Stegen. "Hey." He said scratching the back of his neck. Cierra remembered herself in her worn out hoodie and zero makeup.

"I look like crap, you should've told me you're coming." She muttered signaling him to come inside. "You look beautiful Cee, always will be." He said making her shrug.

"So what brings you here?" She asked changing into something more suiting.

"Oh hey Marc." Antonella waved. "Ah you're here Anto. Wheres Thiago?" He asked looking around the room. "He's outside playing with the neighbor. Let me make you some tea." Antonella smiled.

Cierra walked back to the living room. Plopping down the spot beside him. "Proceed." She said grabbing a cookie from a jar.

"Well I was wondering if you need company. Besides, Leo asked me to–"

"Ugh give me a break. Not that guy again. I swear to god he is ticking me off nowadays. I even blocked him from all of my social media."

"You like Cristiano Ronaldo that much huh?" Marc asked. "No, I blocked both of them on social media apparently. I don't have time to think about stuff like that." She rolled her eyes.

"Cierra forgive me for cutting your words but. . Do you mind if we talked about you know. . Us?" He asked making Cierra froze.

"What about it?"

"The day when we confess our love to each other two years ago. And when we decided to focus on our careers. You remember that right? Well that deals off."

"I'm in love with you, Cee. I realize that. I can no longer tolerate you being hurt by someone. And the idea of you being close to someone else made me jealous."

"I'll ask you once and you gotta answer it. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He blurted out.

Cierra paused.

"You know if you asked me years ago I would. But I think I moved on. You're a great guy and I really love spending time with you but. . I don't see something more than that."

"I'm sorry if I'm sending you mix signals or anything. But. . I'm in love with Cristiano Ronaldo and I think no one can change that." She said tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could feel the same way but I couldn't." She said covering her face. "It's okay Cee, it's okay." Marc said looking slightly at her.

But Cierra won't stop her tears.

"Hey, theres nothing to feel bad for. It's just something I should do you know. . Confessing to you." He chuckled. "It's on my bucket list and I've done it now did I?" He asked trying to light up the mood.

"I'm sorry. ." She said tears streaming down her face.

"You know what? Come here." Marc said bringing Cierras face onto his shoulder. "There, a manly shoulder to cry on." He said.

Cierra couldn't help but to laugh. "Whatever dork."

"You know Cee, maybe if I didn't get to spend my life with you. I would find you somehow, in another time or in another life without screwing it up like how I did on this one." He said licking his lip.

"I'm sorry." Was all she had to say.

"I'm the one who's supposed to say sorry. I ignored my feelings years ago thinking that if I leave it. . It will just go away like that but I guess I'm wrong. I should've asked you out when I had the chance." He said.

"Well then. Look at me, Cee." He said making Cierra look up at him. "Stop~ what are you doing? I'm covered in snot." She whined.

"Like I said, you'll always look pretty to me even if you're covered in snot." Marc chuckled then kissing her on the forehead.

"Go see him." He whispered.

"See whom?" Cierra was puzzled.

"Cristiano. If you really like him then go see him. If he says that the thing you saw was a mistake then it is. Do you trust him?" Marc asked.

"Of course, Marc I–"

"Thats all you need. Good communication and trust. He will never do that to you. At least you think right? So find out and whats the best way to find out rather than confronting him about it?" He continued.

"Come and see him?"

"Exactly! Now what are you waiting for? You have a freaking private jet waiting at the airport, ready to take you anywhere anytime. Those legs ain't gonna run themselves!" Marc exclaimed.

"You're right I have to see him!" Cierra sat up.

"Then theres your ticket. Go to him." Marc whispered.

"Alright! I will! Thanks Marc!" She said wiping her tears away before planting a kiss on his cheeks.

Cierra doesn't care about packing or anything. She could just buy everything on her way there.

Marc chuckled at himself and somehow relieved that he found Cierra smiling again. "You're being a big dummy." Antonella crossed her arms.

"What?" Marc chuckled.

"I know how much you like her, Marc. Theres no need in sugar coating it." Antonella frowned. "Well I seeing the person you love like that was depressing. It's better this way."

"And the fact that Lionel will be on your ass all week if he knew you did this." Antonella added.

Marc stood silent for a while before getting down on his knees. "Oh please just let this be between both of us, Anto."

To be continued

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