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   I shot up out of my cradled sleeping position with a spring-like jolt.  My hands were gripped tightly on my chest as if I was in pain, and a layer of sweat covered my skin. I whipped my head around to check the time, and my eyes were blinded by my alarm clock as it echoed its light onto my bed, creating a bloody red hue in the soft fabric. It was around midnight. My whole room was bathed in a moonlit glow that radiated trough my thick curtains.

        I brain racked over the dream as it began to flutter back into my head. "Uh, that was really strange..." I whispered as I dropped my head back onto my pillow.

        Before long, I had settled down and began to drop my head lazily and flutter my eyes. I evened out my disheveled downy bed covers and quickly drifted back to sleep. 



        BEEP BEEP BEEP the dreaded noise filled my ears. I flipped onto my stomach and stretched my arms and legs out, practically hugging my bed. My head was lost deep in the fluffy catacombs of my pillow, so I just reached out my hand, searching for the alarm. My fingers soon felt the cold, plastic button and I gave it a hard push down. the buzz halted with a satisfying click. I picked up my head, scratching my unkept, tangled hair, and scanned my bedroom with squinted eyes. My adobe walls where painted professionally in  bright red and white, which seemed to glow in the light of dawn. A large computer desk, neatly decorated with a brand new laptop, stretched across the most part of my wall. Next to that, a door leading into my bathroom. 

        I got up out of bed and nearly tucked in my covers, afterwards heading to the bathroom to pick up my paddle brush. A muffled voice sounded from downstairs, my mothers.

     "Addison! Are you going to come down and eat breakfast!"

      "Yeah Mom!" I answered as I combed out my tangled brunette hair. " I, I just have to wash up really quick!" 

   "Okay! Just don't take too long!"

    Yeah yeah, I thought as I switched on my radio. Setting the brush back down, I continued to get ready.

     After I finished up, I skipped out of my room. Down the hall from my room was my parents', on the opposite side was a little Book-nook where I usually sat and did homework.

        As I descended down our polished staircase down to the large foyer, I inhaled and my nostrils where filled with the savory aroma of sizzling bacon. My eyes grew wide.

    I  leaped into the kitchen, slid into my chair eagerly and began to eat. My mom gave me a jokingly disgusted face.

     "Jeez, Addie. What's with you? You look like you're shredding the plate." I looked up from my breakfast, which was already almost gone.

     "Duh, it's Friday!" I exclaimed with a mouth full of pancake. Some of it flew down onto the table.

       My mom raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? Swallow your food Addison." She stared at me for a second. "You know, your'e wearing a lot of makeup..."

     I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms. "Really, mom?" I said while raising my eyebrows. "This," My fingers fluttered across my face, "is a lot of makeup?"

        "Well, if you'r going to act like that, then nevermind"

        "Yay..." I said quietly while picking up my backpack and heading out the door.


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