**NOTE**:yep, i'm writing this. It's about a character in the Fate series. His name-Avenger. :) anyway, i'm writing this for my cousin and well~ I GOT CARRIED AWAY. i was only going to write a short story but....a certain someone (me) was to indulge in the pleasure of writing that a certain someone (still me) couldn't stop herself from making a whole novel! well, anyway, enjoy.
PS: Google 'Avenger', you'll find him eventually ;) enjoy
Servants, as you know, are legendary heroes, be it famous or not. I, for one, have not had my story heard. Therefore I shall tell you the tale of how I came to be accepted as a servant. I wasn’t always this dark, multi-tattooed monster that you see before you now. No, believe it or not, I was once a normal person, just like the rest of you maggots. It all started when I was born.
My mother was one of the luckiest women in all of Persia, as she gave birth to a set of twins. They were, of course, my brother and I. Persia, the land from which I hailed, was a poor country. The people here were not very fertile, sometimes conceiving even one child seemed impossible, let alone having giving birth to twins. The people of my time were shallow-minded, stupid, always thinking inside of the box. They hailed my mother as the god of fertility, and thought that my brother and I were Gods-to-be. Spenta was older than I, paler as well, while I was dark, having inherited my father’s features.
Our country was poor, even though we were hailed as Gods; we lived just as the peasants do. Though despite our hardships, my brother and I grew up well and healthy. My brother and I were always the popular ones among our friends, though Spenta’s popularity exceeded that of mine. He was always the cheerful one, he showed good leadership skills, he was a good friend, a companion, a brother. I looked up to him as a hero, oh how stupid I was back then…
One dreadful day, a crime was committed. A man in his early 30’s had killed a family of 3 people-a widow and her parents. The rampaging man had caused an outbreak, causing the people of my village to live in fear, ever so scared that they might be killed in their sleep. As a result of this, many of the villagers became murderers themselves, killing anyone who looked suspicious. My father was one of the victims of this phenomenon. He was killed when Spenta and I were only 6 years old. In the same season, robbery cases were spreading. Many people were constantly being robbed, despite having nothing. These robbers would take anything, even the clothes on their victims’ backs.
Dumbfounded, the chief of the village gathered the remaining people to discuss this matter. Children were excused from this meeting, but Spenta and I decided to stay and listen.
“My people, it seems that most of us have fallen into corruption. Evil has seeped through our fickle minds, taking over our senses, forcing us to do its bidding.” He shouted. “We will never live in peace as long as darkness still roams about in this world.”
A hand rose up from the crowd “What if we could summon up all of the evil of this world into one person and keep it from corrupting us? Will we be able to live in peace then?”
The chiefs’ eyes widened. “Yes! That may just work. But who will be the one to be sacrificed to this dark element?” Every single person kept their mouths shut, none of them knew whom to sacrifice. Bored with the too-quiet atmosphere, I tugged on Spenta’s arm “Lets go, I don’t think we should get involved in this matter” Spenta nodded, and followed behind me as I made my way out of the crowd. Suddenly, I tripped and fell onto a villager, causing him to fall backwards into another man. This had led to a chain of people falling down, knocking each other down to the ground. In the end, about 5 people fell because of my clumsiness. “Angra Mainyu!!” shouted one of the people who had fallen. The chief noticed what had happened and called forth the person who had caused the incident, which was of course, me. “Angra Mainyu?” he asked. “Please step forward”