Chapter 5

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"Zachary? "

Everyone in the room was shocked of his appearance after 3 years. Xavier was observing the other's expressions. Some were shocked, fear, anger and confusion for the newer members. Sheila and Alec were tucked in their older siblings arms. But when he caught eyes of Annalissa, he saw a series of emotions in them.

Hatred, Anger, Disbelief and... confusion?


He was a 25 year old man. His black Auburn hair and piercing blue-black eyes. He was wearing a grey T-shirt and baggy long pants. A smirk played on his lips as he and Annalissa had a stare down.

"Why are you here? I thought we made it clear last time? " she snarled. Her eyes were so cold that It's not surprising that hell froze over. It was like her whole personality changed. The gang members knew this side of her. It was her 'Ice Princess' side.

"Ah... but you see my dear, I wanted something else now. Something more... appealing. " he said as he drew closer to her. But she didn't cower, she stood tall as they were the same height. No fear was seen in her eyes.

"And what is it?" she retorted back. Alec's grip on her neck tightened as he felt him near. He feared,  he admit, he feared him. Not for his sly behavior, but for what he did back then.

'No! Let me go! We have to go back!'

'Don't! It's too late! She's gone!!'

'You.. you're wrong!!'

'no! I'm right! You saw it too! I'm sorry alright...!'

'No! Why?! Why?!! Daphne!!'

He snapped out of it when he felt him right behind him. He curled into Annalissa's arms deeper as he could. A wicked grin formed from his face.

"This gang... and you, a prize that even the previous head couldn't deny." that made her snapped. Alec sensed it so he reluctantly let go of her as she put him down. Only to run to Xavier's side, away from the scene. Sheila was mysteriously but luckily asleep from exhaustion. Alec hid behind a clueless Xavier as to why it was so tense in the room. Next thing they knew, Annalissa punched hum square at the jaw. Making a crack sound marking his jaw broke. Sending him stumbling back a few steps.

"You dare.. you fucking dare to demand such a thing from me? The gang you say, is no longer yours. Me? I'll shoot you even before you even try to touch me. " she growled at him. She slowly walk over him, punching his stomach hard sending him down onto his arst. Everyone in the room scurried away from the imaginary line of the fight. They watched as Annalissa was kicking him, sending him flying to the corner of the room. She stood looking at him in disgust. He tried to stand, but he couldn't. In her motionless eyes showed only one thing, okay maybe two.

Hatred and Anger.

She stepped on him. Literally. Her body bend forward into a 'the Thinker' pose.

"Now.. That isn't what you really want from me, isn't it?" she snarled, her foot still connected to his slumped body. She was different. Her coldness replaced with hatred and anger. It was like she was a different person entirely. Xavier was standing there watching the scene helplessly, even though he fought on the streets, his reaction to this was completely stoic. Never had he seen a petite girl threw a grown men flying with a punch.

Zachary gave a strangled laugh. "Pretty smart. I want this gang is true. But my desire for you is also true. The destruction that you make every time you walk, your ability to lock your emotions. I want it all. But what I want most right now is the gang's name and profits. It is mine by right child. I will make this place where It's worth. A heartless and non-compassionate gang. Like it should be." her combat boots dug deeper into his skin, those words irritated her, for years he still hadn't give up. Stubborn man. She kicked him again and strode off to Xavier's side, scooping him into her arms. Before she left, she took Xavier's free hand and turned to the others in the room.

"Bring that one out. If I see you walking in here again, Zachary. I'll guarantee that even Alejandro can't stop me." she said with venom in her voice before she left, dragging Xavier with her.


Henry watched as Annalissa left with Xavier in tow. He walk over to Zachary who was standing up, using the wall for support.

"You should've thought twice before provoking her, Zach. You should be thankful Alec was here." he glowered over Zachary's slanted form. He stood up straight after a few seconds before howling in laughter.

"Alec? That boy seen blood, but I guess I should thank that little girl in that other boy's arms instead. Maybe they would appreciate my 'thank you'." he barked. Henry suddenly turned defensive. He had to keep calm, there are others here, some clueless of this monster before them. But Zachary was seriously testing his limits.

"Don't. you. dare. Like lil' boss warned, Zach, not even Alejandro would stop her. Frankly, we would support it." Henry retorted with venom that made some of the guys winced. The calm and kind Henry spit venom? That was a low blow.

"So is my words Henry. I will take this gang as mine again." Zachary said as he was howled out by the men who knew this filth.

Alejandro. Henry reminisce. It's been years since we payed him a visit. I guess It's time to recollect the past... he thought as he barked out orders to the boys. It's been a hectic night and he need a break from this.


Xavier watched Annalissa dragged him to the garage. Flicking the lights on, he saw all types of expensive cars and bikes. There was Audi, Camero, even a limited edition Ferrari. Annalissa took the keys for the Ferrari and motioned him to follow. They placed the two sleeping kids (I don't know how Alec slept) at the back seat as Annalissa took the steering and Xavier sat on the passenger seat. Annalissa didn't felt safe for her to leave Alec in their room, knowing Alec would scream for her when he woke up. An awkward silence went on as she started the engine. Xavier suddenly whipped his head, facing her way with a serious expression. But in his mind was a bunch of flying cells, he was concerned for her. For some God damn reason, he was concerned about this secretive girl. He opened his mouth and spoke:

"You have some explaining to do."


Alejandro.? Who's that?

Annalissa: that's for the readers to find out in the next chapter.

What's that flashback? And I added some of Henry's side into the story.

Alec: No.. no.. Stop it! (Runs into Annalissa's arms)

Xavier: I didn't know you didn't want Henry's side of the story.

Sheila: Big brother, why is Alec like that?

Alec: So much blood.. so much.. (panicking)

Henry: I think It's time to put him to bed now. (Sighed )

Annalissa: (nodded) *he'll be like this for a couple of days now..*

Xavier: What. The. Heck. Is. Going. On?!

Annalissa: Shut up. I'll explain in the next chapter. You shithead. Or you wanna be beaten by me?!

Henry: you better start the credits before blood is shed to those innocent kids.

Um.. okay. Before blood is spilled, I take Alec and Sheila to Henry and START CREDITS!!




Lights out. Hears crashing sound and war cries after a door slam closed.

*I hope the stage won't suffer very terrible damage that can't be repaired by the next credit.. *

Picture of Alec

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