Plot: Scenario #1

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All urban stories are always set in the ghetto. Every urban writer knows that.

As you start your plot for your successful urban, keep in mind that there are only three things that you can possibly write about.

The first being:


High school is where your male/female MC will be about 17-19 and in their sophomore, junior or senior year.

The male MC should always be popular, possibly on the basketball team (of course already a King Pin) and getting all the hormonal adolescent girls. He will probably be dealing drugs because he has never had parental guidance and has to take care of his bus load of siblings.

High School boy aesthetics:

1 slits in eyebrow

2 starting their soon to be collection of body tattoo's ( probably has one or two)

3 a big dick (obviously)

4 able to run a highly organized drug trade and evade the law.

5 cocky/often arrogant

6 only wears expensive trainers and True Religion jeans.

The female MC should mostly never be popular, because she is poor (but she does own an iPhone, but this is besides the point) and ugly to 'HERSELF'. No one else thinks she's ugly but they do recognize that she is poorer than the average person in the ghetto so they will probably tease or bully her. In the rare case that she is popular, she always has to have a bad attitude and trusts no one (except her three hundred best friends and basically anyone she says hi to)

High school girl aesthetics:

1 unkept hair

2 holes in shoes and clothes

3 white iPhone

4 reserved

5 hungry

RandomHelpfulTip: No high school urban story should include parents. The father is already non existent so go ahead and make the mother a crack head child abuser. This will give you a plausible reason to later sell this high school girl to a drug dealer.

Also they should never actually learn anything in school. So after awhile its fine to just casually stop mentioning school.

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