you are my drug

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I got up after the horrifying nightmare of my sister being killed in a horrible car crash and went down stairs Lexi close behind. Jake then engulfed me in a hug. " Are you ok?" he asked clearly worried for me. "I'm fine thanks Jake for asking." I said.

Jakes pov

I really like Kaylee I don't know what I am going to do after Lexi leaves. "Hey Lexi can I talk to you in private for a second?" I asked " Sure." she nodded and we went upstairs to my room. " I really like Kaylee and I don't know how to ask her out on a date yet can you please help me?" I asked with plead in my voice. " Take her out to her favorite places and hold her close make her feel wanted all the time." Lexi said I nodded and we walked back down stairs not seeing Kaylee the next thing I know im being tackled to the ground and seeing Kaylee pining me to the ground "I told you I would get you back." she smirked making me smile she got up off me and smiled. " Jakey I'm hungery." she whined I smiled. "Go get dressed and i'll take you guys out to eat for breakfast."

Kaylee's pov

Lexi and I ran up the stairs laughing and giggling all the way to the room. we did our hair and our makeup and getting dressed we went back downstairs. Jake went to grab his keys and as soon as he did I ran up behind him and stole them causing him to chase me sown the hallway and Lexi in front of me we managed to make it out to the car before him we unlocked as I got into the drivers and lexi in the back she handed me the keys and we locked him out of his car finnaly we felt bad and let him in I got into the passenger seat and giggled. We drove to Chinese and got some food. " KK come with me I want more food." Lexi said. me and her got up and got more food Jake came along to. he handed over the keys knowing I was going to steal them from him. " Promise me you will not lock me out again?" he asked " I promise." I said taking the keys and dragging Lexi along with me. we made it out to the car while Jake was paying. Jake got it to the car and handed me aux cord I plugged in my phone and played concreate angel. singing the lyrics as tears fell on my face making me hide my face so Jake couldn't see but I think he noticed anyway because he grabbed my phone and turned on girls/girls/boys by panic at the disco. which made me kinda smile and giggle. I turned it up really loud and sang alone I then grabbed my phone again and turned on kids in the dark by all time low

(the kids in the dark)

(the kids in the dark)

here we are at the

end of the road. A

road that's quietly caving in

come to far to pretend that we don't

we don't miss were we started looking back,

I see a setting sun and watch

my shadow fade into the

floor I am left standing on the edge

wondering how we got this far

we sang the whole song. every once in a while I would look over and see Jake staring at me. soon enough we was at the house. Lexi got out. Jake and I just kinda sat there for a moment he was staring at me with a cute smirk on his face. Lexi walks back out and tears me away from his brown eyes that I somehow got lost in. Lexi pulled me up to the room and smiles brightly at me as if she knows something I don't. "Kaylee do you like Jake like more than a friend?" she asked me. I just smiled and nodded my head yes " I KNEW IT OMG YOU NEED TO GO ON A DATE NOW!!" she yelled and of course Sam and Colby walk in " Who does she need to go on a date with?" asked Colby I could tell he was a little mad but oh well " No one Colby." I lied they walked out of my room and Lexi and I talked more we then heard the front door close knowing Jake walked in. Lexi ran down stairs to Jake.

Jakes pov

we went to Chinese and ate I handed Kaylee the aux cord when she turned on a sad song I looked over at her to see a tear fall I grabbed her phone and changed it and turned on Panic! at the Disco. which made her smile and giggle the next song was kids in the dark we arrived home. Lexi had got out the car me and Kaylee sat there a moment I smirked at the thought of kissing her I got lost in her sky blue eyes that made drown every time I looked in them Lexi dragged Kaylee out the car and I just sat there I had the chance to kiss her and I didn't take it what the fuck is wrong with me everything about her is perfect I walked into the door but I took a while because I was thing I wanted to tell her how I felt I walk through the front door and got tackled by Lexi she took my arm and dragged me to my room she shut the door "Kaylee feels the same." she said with the brightest smile. I smiled. " Now I have to ask her on a date but I don't know where her favorite place to eat is." I said to Lexi " Take her to chinses she loves that." she said I smiled at her and opened the door to talk to Kaylee I went to her room noticing the door is shut and yelling from inside.

Kaylees pov

I heard jakes door shut I didn't think much of it i heard my phone ring the caller I.D said Dumb Fuck meaning my real father. I answered it

phone call

d-dad m-me

d- Hey Kaylee how is L.A?

m- leave me alone I have nothing to say to you.

d- please don't shut me out.


end of call

I walk out of my room seeing Jake i pushed past him and ran down the stairs i grabbed my keys and a hoodie not caring whose it is I put it on and drove to an abandon building it was my spot Sam and Colby took me here for and explr video I climbed all the way to the top and sat on the roof I turned off my phone and enjoyed the silence

time skip 3 hours

i was still on the roof top looking down at the ground I grabbed my phone noticing that i had 20 missed calls from everyone in the house I called Jake back phone call


m- I'm fine no need to freak out.

j- No need to freak out come home I need to see you you've been gone for six hours. I'm worried.

m-I am on my way.

I drove back home in silence and I didn't care even though that my silence can be very bad.

time skip 3 hours later

I was back home and it was late maybe one or two in the morning. Jake came out of his room as I shut the front door he hugged me tightly and refused to let go. " Jake I need to tell you something." I said in a low whisper. we walked over to the couch and sat there for a moment. " Jake I like you more than a friend." I said scared of what he was going to say.

A/N sorry not sorry for the cliff hanger what will Jake say will he ask her on a date or will he back out

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