6. Reaper's Fragment

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Yang is looking around in a dream. All around her are broken pieces of buildings and darkness. She looks around, confused, and lets out a small gasp when she looks down and sees her right arm intact.

Yang looks up from her arms to see Adam Taurus walking toward her. The red accents in his hair, mask and outfit have a surreal glow. Yang steps back defensively and discovers that she is suddenly wearing Ember Celica. She blasts Adam five times, but they do nothing to him while he steadily continues walking closer.

Adam puts his right hand on the handle of his sheathed sword. Yang tries to attack him again, but her weapon is gone, as is her right arm. She stares for a moment in confusion and disbelief and then startles when Adam is abruptly directly before her. He grins at her and starts to unsheathe Wilt from Blush. Suddenly, a blade pierces through Adam's chest. Yang gasps as Adam disappears into dust and is replaced by a dark shroud behind him. The shroud looks up and Yang sees the red eyes and white bird beak mask/face.

Yang: Reaper?

Reaper: Hey Firecracker.

Yang suddenly wakes up with a gasp. She looks around her room to get a sense of her surroundings before looking at a robotic arm General Ironwood sent her. She sighs and brings her knees to her chest when she remembers Reaper in her dream. Yang then hears some laughing and she gets up to go down the stairs and into the kitchen, where she sees her dad, doctor Oobleck, and professor Port laughing about stuff. She smiles and walks in.

~Timeskip about a half hour, brought to you by chibi Reaper and chibi Summer looking over a cliff at a sunset~

Yang was walking up the stairs as the Beacon teachers were walking out of the house with Tai. She enters her room and lays down on her bed as she hears the men outside.

Port: Thanks for having us over, Tai.

Taiyang: Any time. You're always welcome.

Oobleck: It may be a while before we return. There is still much work to be done at the school.

Port: I hesitate to ask, but is there any word from young Miss Rose?

Taiyang: Not yet.

Oobleck: Have you thought about going after her? Trying to bring her home?

Taiyang: *sighs* I've got to... look after some things.

Yang grips her upper arm dejectedly before laying her head down on the pillow and tries to go to sleep.

~In a dream~

Yang sees Reaper standing on top of a broken building with his hands clasped together behind his back looking at the broken moon in the dream.

Yang: Reaper?

Reaper looks down towards her.

Reaper: Oh, back so soon?

Yang: You can...talk?

Reaper takes a step forward off the building and floats to the bottom in front of Yang.

Reaper: In here, I can speak to my heart's content.

Yang: But... You're part of my dream. I never heard you speak before so how are you...?

Reaper: I might be in your dream Firecracker, but I'm not part of it.

Yang: Huh?

Reaper: Going a little too fast? Alright, I guess explanations are in order.

Yang: They are.

Reaper walks along the dark environment of the dream with Yang following him.

Reaper: Where to start? Oh yes, I suppose I should first introduce myself as your Reaper's Fragment.

Yang: Fragment?

Fragment: A piece of the original Reaper's consciousness placed inside your head. A sort of survival mechanism us Reapers picked up on several millennia ago. We place the fragment in the mind of somebody we trust in some dumb hope that if the main Reaper was killed, the Fragment's host would try to help the fragment get a new body or something like that.

Yang: Well, you are very dead let me tell you.

Fragment: Only in body it seems.

Yang: What?

Fragment: It appears that before I got myself killed, I placed most or all of my remaining consciousness inside someone else's head. See, Fragments are attracted to their origin point so if the Reaper didn't get killed, the Fragment can return. Thing is, I don't know where it is, just the direction.

Yang: Reaper is alive? Mentally?

Fragment: Bingo, and hopefully you can help me find him.

Yang: I.... can't do that right now.

Fragment: I'm not surprised, well, I got all the time in the world so take your time Yang!

Yang: Wait a minute, if Reapers could do what you did, how come there aren't more of you?

Fragment: We don't trust people easily. And making a new Reaper is like trying to get to the Moon and back with a bicycle. So most times if a Fragment is in someone, they usually fade away as the host would die of old age or other causes.

Yang: Oh... That's encouraging...

End Part!

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