Chapter VIII: Gunshot of Sorrow

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~Third person POV~

Kaname lay on his poet's couch, staring into the ceiling. The faint sound of Akahana's knocking on the door was tuned out by Kaname's thoughts.

Meanwhile, the events of the agrument took a toll on the Cross sisters. Yumi sat in her room with headphones on, blasting music... Yuki on the other hand, just couldn't sleep.

~The next day~
Ichijo and Akahana stood in front of Kaname's door.

"Kaname?", Ichijo asked as he knocked.

"He's been like this since last night... I couldn't get Lord Kaname to eat or drink anything either", Akahana added. 

"I'm sure he'll be fine. Maybe he needs some rest."

"Good idea.. If you're listening, Lord Kaname... Please make sure to get some rest."

The two turned around to see the rest of the night class standing there in their PJs.

" Dorm President Kuran seems to have locked himself in his room", Rima noted.

"He hasn't eaten since last night", Akahana stated.

"He's probably upset about something.. What did you do this time, Hanabusa?", Akatsuki asked accusingly.

" I didn't do anything I swear! Plus he'd punish me in front of everyone if I did", Aido defended.

"Let's all go to bed, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about", Takuma reassured.

~ Time skip to Ichijo's grampa showing up brought to you by Zero listening to Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons~

Ichio approached Kaname talking about how a pure blood is pure no matter what... He then took Kaname by the hand, mentioning that he'd like to have some of his blood.  Aido grabbed Ichio's wrist while Ruka and Akahana shielded Kaname.


~ Akahana's POV~

I stood in the hallway, using my invisibility to listen to Ruka and Kaname talk... My cousin obviously pines for Lord Kaname but I don't like that... She knows how I feel about him and she insists on taking him as hers.

Ruka walked out of Kaname's room and stepped in front of me.

" I know you're there, Akahana", she said plainly.

"You know how I feel about you talking to Lord Kaname", I said, becoming visible again.

"I can do what I please.. it's not like I'm seducing him. He won't notice you if you always sneak around like that."

I rolled my eyes and walked away from her.

~~later in the main house~~

~Yumi's POV~

I walked out into the hallway, holding my toiletry basket and a spare change of clothes with my hair down. I saw Yuki walk by hugging a pink towel and giggling.

" What's up, baby sis?", I asked.

"Nothing, Matsuki asked me out again", she smiled.

"Aww you guys are so cute. I was just going to take a shower, you're not going to use that towel are you?"

"Yeah I am... But we can share if you want."

"Nah, I have my own."

We walked to the bathroom, playing rock, paper, scissors for who gets to shower first... I lost.  Yuki cheered and opened the door to reveal Zero leaning against the sink.

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