The Fifth Chapter - Escape

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October 3rd, 2027

“…and, if some day, you find that your bravery has left you, just remember your selflessness here, today. Remember our sacrifice.”

My eyes snapped open, and I was greeted with a sight different from what I’d expected. Standing there, pressed against Rilaw, was Aidan’s familiar form. I stared downward, sure that the sound I’d heard just seconds earlier was a blade piercing my own chest, but there was no sign of damage except for the marks left by Rilaw’s previous attacks. A look upward revealed to me the true source of the sound: the small dagger lodged in his chest.

“Let’s get the hell out of here!” Aidan shouted. As we turned and began to run from the town square with all the speed we could gather, the small crowd that had gathered to watch our conflict quickly dispersed to the tune of fearful screams. It was only a second or so before the hit stun from Aidan’s attack expired and our foe was once again right on top of us, chasing us through alleyways and between buildings with incredible speed.

“At this rate,” I panted, “he’ll catch up to us for sure!”

“Then we just have to lose him,” Aidan smirked. “Come on, this way!” We veered right, passing through the alleyway behind the tavern where I’d first learned of the Black Hand’s plot. Fortunately for us, Rilaw’s horse had been crippled by Aidan’s earlier attacks so his speed advantage was minimal. Even still, he was gaining on us little by little.

Based on our direction of travel, I knew with a fair degree of certainty what Aidan was planning. Night was falling rapidly, and the forest to the east of town would provide the perfect cover for our escape. Even still, I wasn’t convinced we’d make it there before Rilaw killed us both.

Reaching the edge of town, we began to cross the bridge that would take us over the river and into the farmland. From there, it wouldn’t be long before we could reach the dense forest and escape once and for all. When I glanced over my shoulder, however, I was greeted with a terrifying sight. Rilaw, that terrifying impaler with the rapier and bloodthirsty glare, was practically within striking distance.

“Damn it, we need to do something!” I shouted.

Aidan, with a confident smile and a nod, immediately obliged. Spinning 180 degrees and leaping backwards into the air to maintain his forward momentum, he readied his bow and loaded an arrow in preparation to fire. Not even a quarter of a second later, his shot flew through the air and struck the dirt near Rilaw’s feet. Though the attack may have missed, this was enough to cause Rilaw to stumble briefly. With our newly bought time, we crossed the remainder of the bridge and entered the wheat fields.

“Once we reach the treeline, split up!” Aidan ordered. With each passing second, the edge of the woods and our salvation was coming closer. Three hundred feet away, then one hundred, then fifty. Then we were immersed in darkness as we passed under the thick canopy of the forest. As if communicating by telepathy, Aidan and I knew exactly what to do. As I veered to the left, ducking under one huge tree branch and vaulting another, he headed right, leaping between tree trunks and branches in a stunning acrobatic display.

It took nearly all of my concentration to weave my way through the thick trees and brush in almost total darkness. I knew there was no way Rilaw would be able to keep up with us. And, even, then, our plan of splitting up would surely cause him at least momentary confusion. I couldn’t see Aidan anymore, but I could hear his footwork high above me as he navigated his way across the tops of trees. His free-running abilities were incredible.

Behind me, I knew Rilaw was in pursuit by the sound of his enraged shouting. Whether he was even saying anything at all was something beyond me. I couldn’t afford to waste time to make out his words. The only thing that mattered was that I kept moving. To slow my pace or stumble on an obstacle, even for a moment, would have the potential to be certain death.

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