Changing Sides

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Mabel POV:

Bill left us hear with the people who allowed this to happen to us.

"Nice going guys..we're captured." I Said Sarcastically.

"Hey!! Are you blaming us for getting captured?!" A random peasant said.

" guys were in front and we had important work to do in the back so Mabel's right. We would've been fine if we never bothered to try to save you guys." Robbie Said.

"Oh..important work? You mean having a conversation while the rest of us were in the front to serve as pawns in your so called hierarchy. When we joined this group..We thought that we were lucky to have the so great Cipher Wheel protect us. However I can see that we all choose wrongly..instead of being protected we've been put in dangerous situations that steam from your previous actions. If Bill was here.. we'll gladly join the other side." Another random peasant said.

I just roll my eyes at that. We weren't that bad besides WE have also helped those less fortunate than ourselves and this is the thanks we get. 

"Did someone call my name?" Bill Asked when he magically appeared before us again.

"Yeah...We want to join your side." One of the peasants shouted.

"Is that true? Wouldn't you people rather stay on the Cipher Wheel's side?" Bill Asked.

"No...They have been neglecting their duties to protect us and letting us take the hard hits while they just talk about the mysterious person who has plagued this camp for months or thinking how better they are than us." Another peasant said.

"Not to mention..they're also heartbreakers who break your heart just because you're below their high status." Tambry Said. I knew that she was just upset that Robbie dumped her for Wendy again, but come on. She should've known that this was going to happen.

"Okay...Let's get you guys knew rooms and let you guys get settled. Just to let you know theirs going to be a party happening tonight." Bill Said.

The peasants were let lose and started the leave the dungeon while glaring at us.

"Hey..Get back here you traitors. We can still stop Bill." Grunckle Ford stated.

"How?" One of them Asked when they stopped and started to stare us in the face.

"Now what?" Grunckle Ford Asked.

"How are you going to destroy Bill? Face it..It's OVER!! We have nothing left to live for in this world and constantly fighting Bill's rule won't get us anywhere. If you haven't realized we're in the fearamid with lots of demons who would kill you without blinking. Right's better to be on Bill's side than your side." The peasant said before they walked out of the dungeon door.

"Tampry? Babe? You won't let leave me here won't you?" Robbie pleaded.

"Robbie..It's been over between you for months. I used to believe in you for the time being, but you let me down. And let all of our other friends down too. You used my love and now look at where we are. We're in a dungeon...If there was a way to end this we would gladly join you however we both know that their is no way for you guys to end this." Tambry Said.

"Wait...You can't leave us here." I Said.

"Why not? All you guys did was believe that you were higher in rank than us. The only one who didn't do that was betrayed by you and we just watched. I should have left the group when this happened, but I was too in love with Robbie to realize it. The Cipher Wheel is corrupted and I wish...that I never had so faith in you." Tambry Said.

None of us spooke once she left and we silently looked at each other with despair. Things aren't looking up for us at this point, but Grunckle Ford always finds a way.

Author POV:

How was the chapter?

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Bye 👋 

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