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"Well...what d'we do now?" I ask while Alice stuck the invite in her pocket.
"I say, we get the fuck outta here." She replies making her way towards the door with us following closely behind.
"Wait, shouldn't we lock everything?" Brian asks stopping and turning around to face the opened drawers and cabinets.
"He gave us the clue, he knows it's us." I say allowing him to nod his head before returning down the hall with us. As we reach the elevator and enter it, I get the feeling of someone else watching us. It honestly shouldn't be surprising since he basically follows me around now. That is, until the lift suddenly stopped with a loud bang.
"Well that's perfect." Roger sighs, leaning against the railing in disappointment.
"Actually this is kinda perfect because now, if this were to be a life or death situation, Sophie would tell me about this little secret you all share." Brian says eyeing me as I cock an eyebrow at him.
"No I wouldn't...and it's not a secret."
"Then how come I don't know about it?"
'Well played brother.'
"Ugh, fine." I snap, taking a seat on the floor of the elevator before telling him. "So... god how do I start this... um, I'm an only child."
"No you're not." He chuckles as if I was joking but I continued to pull my serious expression.
"Anyways, long story short, I was born first to Michael and mom and a year later you came along except with mom" I hesitate at the name dad when I should actually be calling Michael that.
"So we aren't..."
"We aren't twins. Or siblings for that matter. But I am half siblings to you AND Roger." I explain while Brian was having his mental breakdown in the corner.
     "How can you be okay with this? Being okay with the guy that hurt you and your friends to be your father?" He asks in an angry yet confused tone.
     I shrug at his response. "I can't do anything about it. Besides, it doesn't really change anything..."
     "Doesn't change anything?! Sophie, we aren't twins. Your boyfriends your half sibling. And the fact your own father rap... it's totally different." He snaps at me, pausing at the word rape.
     "I don't not love you any different. I don't not love Roger any different. I still love you very much, I just have a different dad is all."
     "If you have a different dad, wouldn't your last name change?" Alice asks, breaking the argument between the two of us.
     "I'm not too worried about that. I'll keep it until I don't have to anymore." I reply allowing Brian to turn his head to face me.
     "What's that supposed to mean?"
     I look over to Roger who just smiles at the argument allowing my cheeks to grow red at the thought of possibly marrying him. "I don't know what the future holds for me. For all I know, I could be dead in 5 years."
     "Sophie I..." But before he could finish his sentence, a loud bang is heard and the elevator starts up again allowing me stand up from the ground.
     "About time," I say right as the lift was coming to our stop. We all exit and make our way out towards the car. The streets were basically flooding with rain as we drove over to the park.
     Finally reaching the drenched recreation ground we make our way back to the hill where the holes lay.
     "So, which one should we open first?" I ask looking between the two coffins lying in a hole of mud.
     "Doesn't matter," replies Brian in his still irritated tone.
     "Alright, Roger make sure I don't slip." I say as I bend down and reach for the handle before carefully opening it to reveal words carved into the bottom.
James Smith
     "What the fuck does that mean?" Roger mutters from a above as I try to pull myself out.
     "Let's check the other one." I say making my way over to the other hole and bending down. Grasping the handle, I pry open the box to reveal another note engraved on the bottom.
     "Why would...not even gonna ask anymore." Roger scoffs before lifting me up as I brushed some blades of grass from my sleeves.
     "That name, it's familiar. Like, maybe I've read it somewhere before." I mumble trying to remember anyone by the name of James Smith.
     "Well, can we think maybe at the flat? It's really coming down now." Brian says a bit more dramatic than it should've been while holding his coat over his drenched hair.
     "Yeah, lets go." I say pulling my hood over my head and darting towards the awaiting vehicle.
We drive back towards the flat and park closest to the complex before hurrying in. I immediately go into Brian's room to retrieve my stolen packs before going back to my room to think.
     Roger enters the room as I lay in bed with a cigarette lit between my lips. "So this, Masquerade party, are we actually going?" He asks tossing his drenched coat on the back of the chair.
     "Well the message said or else you'll pay and I don't wanna die so, yes, we're going." I reply blowing a cloud above me before taking another drag.
     "What do we even wear?" He asks laying down next to me.
     "Something nice I guess. Although we are going to need those stupid masks that block half of our field of vision." I say with a sigh, turning my head to meet his eyes.
     "God, you're absolutely incredible Sophie." He smiles, shaking his head and taking the light from my mouth and putting it in his before blowing smoke into my face.
     "You're just as amazing." I reply followed by a smile.
     "Were you always so clever? Or did it grow on you?" He asks holding the light between his fingers and pressing his lips against mine.
     "I guess I was always into it." I giggle remembering how I was always into mysteries and such. "I remember as a like a 3rd grader I would read these Nancy Drew series and I would always try to guess ahead of the book."
     "What was your favorite?"
     "Oh probably the Phantom of the...wait a second..." I say shooting up from bed. "James Smith, oh my god! That was the guy that was the phantom! He wore that mask and hid in the theater while the other..."
     "What are you talking about?" He asks sitting up and eyeing me puzzlingly.
     "We gotta go to the library..."

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