Mia Hernandez

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Jazis is growing as fast as a weed! I can’t keep up with his growth. He looks a solid two years old, thank god he doesn’t have the attitude to back up the looks. I’m going to try to teach him the alphabet tomorrow, see if he understands. So far, he dances what he sees, like an interpretive dancer. He knows the word tree by the way he flails his arms like branches, and he knows sun by making a tiny circle over his head with his chubby arms. When I say Mama, he looks at me and barrels into my legs. I think Mama is his favorite word.


My baby knows his ABC’s and his 123’s. I’m such a proud mama. I baked him a cake to celebrate (he loves those) and we danced in circles outside in celebration. Did you know when he gets super excited he clicks his tongue and makes squealing noises in a steady, consistent, rhythm, like a language? We spent the rest of the day outside playing, Jazis braided little flowers into my hair and I made him a small flower crown. When he got tired, I held him tight in my arms and sang to him the same song the forest sang to me.


He said, “mama”. I can’t stop crying. I can’t stop laughing. He’s nudging my legs making little-distressed chirps and sad “mamas”. I picked him up and gave him a big ole kiss, the chirps have stopped. I tell him I love him so much and he’s smiling again.

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