First Day Back

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After the sorting, everybody was seated at their tables. Harry was glad to be back, it was like his home. Hermione kept going on about how she was going to get to learn even more while Ron complained about the very thing. Harry giggled at the conversation before looking around to see who all came back. He noticed Draco staring at him. He wasn't able to read what Draco was thinking, but he thought that it must of not been good. Harry though had nothing to worry about because Draco was just in deep thought about what his father would think if he figured out about the secret Draco kept inside for years. Draco snapped back to reality and noticed he had been staring at Harry and Harry was staring bad. Draco blushed a little and looked away. Harry slowly looked away. "Harry, are you okay?" Hermione asked. "Yeah, you were staring off for awhile there, mate," Ron agreed while taking a bite of chicken. "Yeah, its probably nothing," Harry replied and went back to eating.
-Time Skip-
Harry arrived to potions class to see that he was the only one besides Draco. "Malfoy," Harry emotionlessly greeted. "What do you want now, Potter?" Draco asked harshly, not meaning it. "I don't always want something, just saying hello," Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Well, you could have just said it then," Draco rolled his eyes, "But hello, I guess" Draco crossed his arms, but he seemed more uncomfortable then mad. "How early are we?" Harry looked around. "About five minutes," Draco moved his hair out of his face. Draco had stopped using hair gel and Harry liked that. "I like you hair like that- I mean..I-..," Harry blushed and looked away after blurting this out. Draco's heart skipped a beat. "Wh-what?" Draco blushed. "I just mean it suits you," Harry said quickly. A few minutes passed of silence. The rest of the class came into the classroom and everybody sat in their seats. Draco and Harry were left to sit together. Slughorn walked in and began teaching.
-Time Skip-
Everybody was eating dinner in the Great Hall. Draco looked over to Harry and Ginny. He got up and left, not eating and Pansy followed him. Harry didn't do anything about it and felt bad for not doing so. Harry looked over to Ginny. He thought about if he really wanted to stay with her. He decided on the answer, no. He didn't know how to break up with her or if Ron would ever talked to him again. He decided to do it in private, but talk to Ron and Hermione first.

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