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-Time Skip: A month later-
Draco and Harry had planned to meet up at Hogsmeade today. Harry waited outside of the Slytherin common room waiting for Draco. "What is taking so long?" Harry mumbled to himself. Draco walked out wearing an expensive suit. "Really?" Harry noticed the suit. "What?" Draco tilted his head. "Why are you overdressed?" Harry giggled. "Its not overdressed if I'm going on a 'date' with you" Draco winked and nodged Harry. They had been teasing each other for awhile. Harry rolled his eyes and smiled. "Come on then, Snakey" Harry teased. "Snakey?" Draco laughed. "You know you love it," Harry winked. "Sure, whatever you say, kitten" Draco made Harry blush a little. "K-kitten? Why do you get to give me better nicknames," Harry pouted. "And people call me a drama queen," Draco patted Harry's head and started walking with him to Hogsmeade. They did their usual walking around and catching up they did on Saturdays.
-Time Skip-
They had been talking to each other on a bench for awhile until Draco had seemed deep in thought. "Is something wrong?" Harry asked touching the blond's shoulder. "What? Oh, its just.." Draco sighed. "Just what?" Harry grew more concerned. "Well.. There is a guy I like, but.. Not sure if he likes me back.." Draco admitted. "Does this mean it's not me? How could I be so stupid to believe he liked me?" Harry thought. "Well, you should try asking him out," Harry hid his sadness. "What if he says no?" Draco panicked. "Then that is his loss, you are an amazing guy. If he is worth it, he would see that," Harry let go of Draco's shoulder. "You think so?" Draco asked getting happy again. "I know so," Harry weakly smiled and looked. "Are you okay?" Draco noticed Harry's sad eyes. "Oh, uh.. Yeah.." Harry obviously lied. "Harry, please tell me what is wrong," Draco insisted. Harry looked away. "Its nothing, really" Harry didn't like to do this, but he didn't want Draco to know his feelings. "Harry, look at me," Draco demanded softly as he gently pushed Harry's head to face him. "Well.. There is a guy I like too, but.. I'm afraid he sees me as only a friend" Harry admitted. "Well, I'm sure that you will find somebody.. You are Harry Potter for Merlin's sake. Even if he is straight, he has to have at least a little crush on you, everybody does and-" Draco got interrupted. "Wait, everybody does?" Harry teased. "I- uh- that's not- um- what I meant- umm" Draco blushed. Harry giggled. "Maybe he really does like me" Harry thought. "Calm down, I'm only teasing," Harry smiled.
-Time Skip-
"Thanks for walking me back" Harry hugged Draco. "You're welcome," Draco blushed and hugged back. The hug lasted for about a whole minute until Harry realised that it had been a long time. Harry backed up. "Sorry," He apologised. "No need to be," Draco smiled making Harry smile too. "Well goodnight, Harry," Draco winked and walked off. "That git just loves teasing me.. and I love it," Harry thought before telling the fat lady the password. Draco and Harry went to sleep thinking of each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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