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⊹ chapter eleven ⊹

jimin smiled widely and stepped through the door closing it behind him. after pulling off his shoes he placed the bag of food on the table.

"plates?" he asked and jeongguk walked to the kitchen grabbing two plates and some forks setting them on the table as jimin opened the boxes.

"that looks and smells so good." jeongguk practically drooled staring at the food and jimin chuckled.

once putting some on the plates he handed jeongguk one and sat down.

"oh my god it even tastes better than it looks." jeongguk said after taking a bite and jimin smiled nodding.

"i'm glad you like it. i wasn't sure what you liked so i went with pasta and chicken."

they finished up eating only talking every now and then. once they were done jeongguk took the dishes to the sink washing them.

"thank you for dinner it was really good." jeongguk called out from the kitchen to jimin who was in the living room looking for a movie.

"it's no problem ggukie i wanted to do it and that way we can talk."

jeongguk dried his hands off on the towel before joining jimin on the couch.

"oh right." he said awkwardly not knowing where to start.

"why were you avoiding me?" jimin asked softly as if he knew jeongguk wasn't sure how to start.

jeongguk sighed. "because i thought you'd think i'm easy after sleeping with me after the first date and i'm not."

jimin furrowed his brows. he knew jeongguk wasn't easy he'd seen multiple people guys and girls ask him out but jeongguk had always rejected them nicely. honestly he was surprised when jeongguk agreed to go on a date with him. i mean yeah he was scared jimin would out him but jimin would've never said anything even if he had said no.

"i don't think you're easy. i never thought that."

"but..." jeongguk looked down ashamed almost. "you got me into bed on the first date and i'm a stripper... that doesn't exactly look good."

jimin put his finger under jeongguk's chin making him look up and gave him a serious look.

"just because you're a stripper and we got tipsy and slept together after our date doesn't make you easy. it made you tipsy and in the heat of the moment. you don't go around sleeping with everyone you meet i know you're not that type of person. i've seen you reject people at school and i saw how you got uncomfortable when that guy who was touchy and flirty with you. also even if you did sleep with a lot of people that doesn't make you easy or a bad person it'd just make you comfortable with your sexuality you'd still have standards for whoever your partner was."

"b-but... everytime we're around each other we end up sleeping together..."

"i know and i'm sorry.. well not really sorry about sleeping with you because it's really nice.. i mean.. uh—" jeongguk giggled softly as jimin rambled flushing a bit.

jimin cleared his voice. "what i mean is that i've liked you for a while. i never really had the nerve to go up and talk to you at school cause i didn't want to make a fool out of myself. when namjoon dragged me to the strip club i was surprised to see you and i was a just a little tipsy so i took the chance and asked you out. i would've never said anything if you said no. it's just hard to keep my hands off you." he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"i mean you always look so cute and pretty and all i want to do is kiss you but i get carried away i'm sorry. um.. i really wanna take you out on more dates if you'll let me.."

jeongguk took in all he said and nodded softly. "i'd like that."

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