CH.2 Past Promises

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I starred out the window of the car watching the scenery go past talking to sora about the school "I do hope you know I will be attending with you to keep an eye on you light" Sora said I pouted at him "why do you always have to be such a hope crusher?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest "I am also your bodyguard so I will be with you for your safety" Sora said ignoring my question.


we arrived in front of the school as light got out of the car excited I got out as well standing beside him "it's so huge" light said amazed at the look of the school "well it is a beautiful place" I said pushing up my glasses "it's Light Fullbuster!" a girl squealed pointing in our direction as a group of students surrounded us "oh boy" I said "uh hi..." light said sheepishly raising his hand I looked around at the crowd gushing over light sighing I guess I'll have to save this idiot again I sighed in annoyance rubbing my hand through my red hair grabbing his hand about to lead him out of the crowd my eyes widened as onyx eyes stared back at me I froze in my movement the girl rolled her eyes turning away her blue hair moving with her movement saki... I gasped making my way out of the crowd not realizing my hand slipped from lights wrist "saki!" I called running toward her "saki!" the girl didn't turn at all I don't ever want to see you again! I hate you sora! I stopped in my tracks you promise you'll never leave me?... let's make a promise to never leave each other... sora when we grow up promise me you'll never forget me ever... I promise I'll never make all your dreams come true saki... I hung my head it's been years since I last saw you have you been waiting for me saki? I promise I'll find you wherever you are saki... wait for me I'm coming to keep my promises to you no matter how much you told me you hated me I know your waiting I looked up at the sky sora! her smiling face came to my mind "sora!" light's annoying voice interrupted my train of thoughts "light what is it?" I ask turning around to face him "you left there to deal with those fans all by myself!" he replied clearly mad "oh I forgot about you" I said he scowled at me "you forgot?! why'd you run away from me?!" he asks "I thought I saw someone I knew" I replied looking back at the hallway.

we walked into class with light still mad at me which I didn't pay much mind to him "you two must be the new students" a pinkette said "go ahead and introduce yourselves" we turned to the class I caught a pair of ebony eyes on me light introduced himself "hi I'm Ryusei Seiichi Kobayashi" light said raising a hand "Hello I'm Sora Masami" I said raising my hand I smirked at her pushing up my glasses she turned her head away from me looking out the window "I'm igneel dragneel your homeroom teacher along with your magic history teacher" igneel replied giving me a sympathetic look before asking us to take our seats I looked at saki taking the seat beside her "saki..." I whispered she ignored me staring out the window with a mad expression I went to touch her hand but she moved it away "don't touch me..." she whispered coldly I sighed at her behaviour.


I walked out of the class yawning "are you tired already?" Kenta asks amused "yeah I thought school would be fun" I replied as the others chuckled except sora who read a book quietly as a bluenette passed by us he looked up from his book opening his mouth to speak to her calling her name softly she paid him no mind "Yuki wait up!" she called after a pinkette who turned waving at her with a smile.

 I bumped into a blue-haired girl while trying to escape fans her face only inches from mines as the tips of her bangs brushed my forehead with her hovering over me a locket of hers poking at my shirt (choose one from above) "can you let go of me?...

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 I bumped into a blue-haired girl while trying to escape fans her face only inches from mines as the tips of her bangs brushed my forehead with her hovering over me a locket of hers poking at my shirt (choose one from above) "can you let go of me?" she asks I let go of the girls waist as she stood up "sorry" I said "your that new kid ryusei koboyagi right?" she said "it's Kobayashi" I corrected she narrowed her eyes at me "you look a lot like that singer light fullbuster" she said I felt sweat on my cheek "really now?" I ask as she nodded "yes" she replied "my name's ryusei though" I said she placed a finger to her lip moving closer to me as I backed up "er..." I said she gave me a long hard look before moving away walking to wherever she was going "she scared me I thought I was going to be recognised" I placed a hand to my heart.

weeks later

I was trying to find sora with the others "why is this school so huge?" I ask walking around near the outside of the school "it has many campuses light" Yuma said.

I stopped in my tracks near sakura tree I saw sora with the bluenette from earlier who pushed him away from her saying something to him "isn't that saki and sora?" Yuma asks just as shocked as me "yeah but what are they doing together?" Kenta asks we moved closer to the two "saki hear me out" Sora said holding her still "let go of me! I don't care what you have to say to me!" Saki said pushing his hands off her shoulders "I know you hate me but-" "hate? I despise your very being sora" saki interrupted scoffing at him "despite what you say saki I know your lying I can see through them" Sora said saki crossed her arms "I'm not lying and you know that Rei!" Saki said sora smiled leaning down to her height "I'm right aren't I saki? you still use my nickname from childhood" Sora said her eyes widened in surprise as she stuttered blushing "they're childhood friends?!" we whisper yelled "have you been waiting for me to come back saki?" sora asks amused she stayed quiet "sora what are you doing to her?" a pinkette haired girl asks pulling saki away from sora "I guess you came looking for your best friend Yuki" Sora said standing up straight "goodbye then saki I hope to talk again" he walked away from them.

Sora's been trying for weeks to talk to saki who seems to be pushing him away I could tell sora's patience was running thin with her Sora punched the wall after she walked away yet again "why don't you just forget her?" I ask from behind him "I can't I promised her" he replied fiddling with a lily in his hands "you did? why'd she get mad at you anyway?" I ask he sighs "you already know I don't need to explain it again but she's so stubborn that she doesn't get it and I'm starting to get fed up with her attitude!" Sora said I pat his back "she'll come around man" I said "I'm going to make her hear me whether she likes it or not" Sora said turning in her direction saki who walked quietly sora grabbed her hand turning saki around pulling her into a hug.


I felt her body stiffen as I wrapped my arms around her "it's ok saki" I said softly I felt her hands to my chest pushing me "let go of me" Saki said her voice breaking "I won't let go not until you hear me out" I said her hands stopped pushing against me "why do are you like this? why? you push me away then when I do distance myself you come to me telling me that you want me back how else do you want me to react?" saki asks I knew she was about to start crying "I don't expect you to take me back with open arms saki your stubborn girl I wouldn't expect anything less from you though when I did come to your house your dad punched me the first he saw me" I replied holding her head "I'm sorry saki before you say something I was with light all this time and had to get into the family business of fighting I had to go train it wasn't right of me to leave like that you have every right to be mad at me but I never forgot you and kept those lilies of yours safe" she pushed me away with every might of her body I held out the lily to her winking at her saki stared at it raising her hand before I had time to comprehend her action I felt a sharp stinging sensation on my cheek "saki..." the others said my eyes widened as I turned to saki who held tears in her eyes her brows furrowed in anger saki's right arm to her left side "you're an idiot sora! I hate you! you promised me you'd never leave nor forget me!" saki yelled her friends stopped behind her to stare at their in shock "I was so stupid for waiting for you! years I waited yet you never came back! did you never think of explaining things to me before disappearing without a trace?! of course I'm mad at you! I hate you sora! I don't want you to touch me! you're horrible sora!" saki rubbed at her eyes sniffling she launched herself at me "baka! baka! baka!" saki repeatedly punched my chest her pendant coming out of her white shirt surprising everyone by wrapping her arms around my torso "saki" I said surprised "you promised me you'd never leave me..." she said softly I smiled wrapping an arm around her back and the other around her head "I promise I'll never make you cry saki" I said she grabbed onto my shirt staying like that for a few minutes.  

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