Part 4

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Percy POV

I travelled to my mom's apartment and knocked on the door. My mom opened it and instantly pulled me into a hug. I had to hold back tears as I embraced my mom. Everything that happened just came crashing down on me. My mom noticed something was bothering me. "What's wrong dear?" I couldn't handle it anymore and started crying my heart out. The mom held me and I told her the story. "I would have thought Annabeth was smarter than that. That girl has a peanut for brains if u you are not good enough for her" my mom said angrily. I laughed for the first time in days which felt good. I told my mom that I was going away to clear my head and for her not to worry. She embraced me once more before sending me on my way.

As I left the apartment building I heard a scream and suddenly a young girl about 10 started running towards me away from a hellhound. I told out and uncapped riptide and with an expert slice, I killed the mutt. The girl was cowering behind a trashcan. She looked pale with raven black hair just like mine and she tied it back into a ponytail,she also had onyx black eyes ."Hey don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you"  I said as gently as I could. "Y-you promise?" She sounded scared. "I promise, what's your name kiddo" I say in my most soothing voice trying to calm her down. She can out from behind the trashcan and said "Elliot. My name is Elliot." "Nice to meet you Elliot, my name is Percy. I'm going to bring you to a place where you will be safe from monsters ok?" I ask. "Ok" she said happily.

I picked her up and put her on my back then asked her to hold on tight. I then used Hermes's super speed to run to the train station while Elliot hung on while screaming with joy. When we got onto the train I decided to tell Elliot about the Greek gods. She took it surprising well. "Wait so your saying that daddy was a god?" She asked. "Yea pretty much." I said. " So do I get cool super powers?"she questions. " Yup you do but it's not so fun and cool as monsters are always trying to kill you. There are 2 places you can go to be safe from the monsters, Camp Half Blood or you can join the Hunters of Artemis"I explained.

"I wanna be a hunter" said Elliot. I took a drachma out of my pocket and made a rainbow using the water vapour in the air. I tossed the drachma in to the rainbow. "O goddess Iris please except my offering,Thalia Grace" I said. "Hey thals" I said which startled her. "Hey perce, what do you want?" I got a new recruit for the Hunters" I told her. We talked for a bit and I got the location of their camp. It was about an hour away by train. I went back to Elliot and sat by her. She layed her head on my lap and fell asleep. Even though I just met her, I trust Elliot and I think that there is a brother sister bond between us. I will never let anything harm her.

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