chpartre 9 !1!1!!!1!2!12!

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"oh hi y/n want sum juul" my mom asked. her eyes were red and she loked very high. 

"dont u mean hIGH y/n HAHAGGAA" i screamed. OMGHAHA im so funny!11!!1!!111!!!!!1!11! the boys laughed together with me too and rofled!!1!1!!!11!!1! omg my supprtiv babes are so supotive<3333 harry fracutured his hair when he fell down laughuhnnng so the hospital sent him for hair sugery immediately. also zayn sprianed his jaw laughing but as long as it doesnt hurt his super hot jawline i dont care !!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA !!!!!

i turned bacc to my mom. "mom doctor charles told yu to stahp juuling !!!!!" i said. i treid to snatch the juulpod away from her but she was to fast for me.

"SWIPER NO SWIPING" she screamed. she blew a puf of smoke into my face. i couged.

"HMPH i still havent gotten back at yall for what yall done to me at mcodndleds 😤😤" my mom said. "yall costed me a mchiken!!!!! i waNT TO SPEAK TO UR MANGEWR!!!!!!!!"

its my time to shin ! i steped closer to my mom. i said "im the manager.............


"WOOOOOOO OHHHH U JUST GOT WRECKT" the bois shouted and did a breakdance. i smiked and dropped the mike. it broke but its ok coz its one of louis's spare mikes. "YALL ARE MEANNNN :(" my mom said. she yeeted out of the hostiapl. just then hary came out of the surgeyr room. "omg harey!!!!!" i cried and ran to him. i touched his surgeried hair. it was so poofy. "are u okay????????????" me and the other boys asked in uniosn.

"yeh im fine" harry said. "but im too tirede to ride on the motorbie today. and its getting late. what do we do :(" "we can slepe in the hosptial!! :)" niall said. "OMG SLUMBER PARTEY!!!!" zayn said. "YAYY" liam said. "UWU🌸" louis said. i was so hapy !!!!!!! i can now breath in all the hospital smeels overnight ;)))) i love the hospital smells, espiciallly the toilets :)

we slept on the benches. ther was no space so i rolled on to the floor. but it wuz cold so we decidd to stole some blankcats from the cleaning room. we took the blankets and saw a figuer. it was.........


"WHO DARE TAKE ME BLANKETS 😤😡" he screamed. "IT IS US, ONE DIRECTION AND THEYRE MANAGER" i screamed back at him. "I DONT CARE GIMME BACC MY BLNKETS!!!!!!" he said. "BUT WE'RE CELEBRIYTIES" i said. haha i learnt that from doctor james charels. "mmm ok seems legit" the janitor said and let us go. we had a veyr nice sleep and we slept for 10 hours !!!!!!!!!! hellthy living is so fun!!!!!!!! we got chased away by the doctors and we went to our motorbkes. but then we saw..............

A FAN 🤯🤯🤯🤯

(A/N: omg guys STREAM OME DIRDCTION!!!!!!! stan 1d stan talent uwu 😍)

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