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SORRY ABOUT THE UPDATE DELAY! IVE BEEN SOOOO BUSY ITS NOT EVEN FUMNY, I'm tryin to keep the honor role for school and I had to focus because we had about 10 tests or more last week and the week before. Anyways love you guys!.




It's been a week since the incident had happened, and Tom has been in the hospital. The other actors and actresses still had to go to set every day though. Just because someone gets hurt doesn't mean you can stop working. Yeah, Tom didn't have many lines so he didn't have to be there as often, but he was usually there just to hang out. He wasn't the most social kid so he didn't have many friends, so having people to talk to was a big comfort for him. He always Came to keep them company and for his own personal amusement of course.

But things have changed.

They nearly lost him in emergency surgery, twice. The actors were sent home for the rest of the day while police investigated the scene. The wires had been going thin and nobody had noticed, due to their infrequent use. It's strange how they got thin in the first place. At the hospital, they found that the lacerations were due to the falling metal of the cords, same with the deep cut in his head. His other head injury had been a Coup-Contrecoup, which was caused by the impact of the ground making his brain move so much it slammed in the opposite direction of his skull. The injury was so bad that it had caused swelling, and they had to remove a piece of his skull so his brain wouldn't be squeezed. It was so severe that he had fallen into a coma. They didn't think it would be a long one, but you can never be too sure.

Robert was torn. His performances had been decreasing in quality and he always seemed to be distracted. Whenever someone tried to ask what was wrong, he would lash out or walk away.

"Downey, we need to talk."

"What about?" He quipped as he turned away from the bathroom mirror. His eyes were tired and his posture was flattered.

The director sighed and scratched his head, "Look, Robert. I know what's happened is tough and all..."

"No, no you don't. No you fucking don't! He," Tony paused lowering his voice, "He's my kid. And it's so hard knowing that that damn kid could have been dead and all I'm doing is filming this stupid movie while he's alone fighting for his life in a hospital."

Tom's family was there, his brothers and parents, some of his other relatives also stopped by. But Robert knew none of them stayed the whole time, and he didn't want his kid to ever be alone.

"You know what else," Roberts voice got hard and demanding, "You know what else? It's hard knowing that you are on the same set that your kid was injured on. The same set your kid almost died on days prior and we act like nothing happened! This is ridiculous!"


"No! I cannot do this another day! I want to be with my kid, I wanna make sure he's ok. He's dying, he's in pain and I can't leave him like this. I can't."

The room became eerily silent.

"Alright. You can go see your kid." The director then pulled Downey into a hug, he accepted the much needed affection back in a heart beat.

"Thank you, sir."


Robert decided to head over with his fellow cast members since they all wanted to visit and his 3 kids, one 25, 7, and 4. They all hung out with Tom regularly and wanted to see him.

"Daddy, where Tom?" Avri asked in her fathers arms. Robert just smiled slightly poking her nose.

"He's in the hospital right there," Robert pointed.

"Can he play with my cars?" Exton asked.

"Not today, bud. Not today." Robert stayed sadly.

As they entered the hospital, they all became quiet.

"Tom Holland, we are here to see T-Tom Holland. Have yo- Do you know what room he's in by any chance?"

"He's currently in ICU, and only people 16 or older are allowed in the room." The nurse replies solemnly as she looks down at Roberts kids. He sighed and told his eldest child to watch them while he and the others went to Toms room.

"I'm sorry pumpkin, I guess you won't be able to see him for a while." Robert smiled sadly.

Christ put a soft hand on his shoulder and smiled as they went back to the desk.

"Are we allowed to see him now?" Scarlett asked. She seemed really tired, but still decided to come anyways.

"Yes, but right now only 3 people in the room at a time, please," she stared, "Room 54. Down the hallway to the very end and take a right, then you'll see a big ICU sign."

"Alright ma'am, thank you."





God he looked so damn small.

"He shouldn't be here," Evans states quietly as he took Toms pale hand into his own. "Ever."

The room remained silent as everyone looking at the pale body lying before them. This went on for a while until they all began to disperse one by one, until the only one left was Robert.

Robert with his tear streamed face leaned down and softly kissed the child's head. A soft smile appeared on his lips as he looked down.

"Get well soon kiddo, I love you." And with one more final kiss, Robert left.

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