chapter 5

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This was it....

Until something caught your wrist and pulled you back up, yours eyes opened to how close to the floor you were.
You were lowered to the floor to soon be met with a familiar voice 'y/n?'
The blade man ran over before holding you in his arms while you cried.

You stayed there until the sun rose the next morning, crying till no tears could fall.
'Are you ok y/n?' His blue eyes meeting yours again.
The world stopped moving and he kissed you, slow and calm making all your worries dissappear from your mind.

After a while you pulled away for air both smiling, 'why don't you come back and rest y/n' you nodded and he picked you up bridal style putting your foreheads together.

*at his apartment*
You fell asleep on his chest as he hugged you.

*agent H p/v*
After I saved y/n she came back to mine and fell asleep on my chest.
She looked peaceful even after she tried to end her own life.
My phone went suddenly rung and I answered it as quick as possible to avoid disturbing y/n.
'Agent H I see you saved you friend.
Well done, I hope you are not joking when you promised to love her.
If you hurt her I will hurt you!' I sighed knowing it was going to be hard 'okay T. I promise to look after her' 'you are a good man H. I trust you to someday tell her the truth of her power. Goodbye'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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