The young squirrel had walked down this road many times. He was the smallest thing on the dark road, paying no mind to the passing cars. Every Day and Night he went back and forth down this road carrying his little acorn. The same acorn never to be lost, eaten, or damaged. It was his acorn; no one was allowed to have it or touch it. The mean fox had stalked this young squirrel for quite sometime, never to disturb him only and always watching. This had gone unnoticed by the squirrel for so long. He was unprepared for when the fox had pounced knocking the young squirrel out cold stealing his acorn. The mean fox ran away so fast, carrying the squirrels acorn. It was now his precious acorn. The fox was gone, taking "his acorn" away never to be found by the squirrel. As the fox trotted down the dark road, he hadn't noticed the bright lights of the car barreling towards him. The car smacked into him, the fox's whole world went dark and he was no longer to see this faithless world's light again. Acorn flying through the air landed in the middle of the lonely road only a mere feet from the now dead fox. The acorn now awaiting to be found by the young squirrel.
When the squirrel had finally come to it was early evening. He had been out cold for the whole morning and afternoon. The fox had taken his acorn at night time. It was the next day's evening, so long since it was taken by the fox it was probably long gone by now. The squirrel had thought this sadly.
The faith the squirrel once had was now long gone, as was his acorn. He was now known as the faithless squirrel going through life without his acorn. Many months had gone by and the young squirrel still had no acorn and he had not gone down that one dark road since that night. So this evening he decided it was time. The road was dark and lonely without his acorn. The squirrel went down the road farther than he had ever done before, he noticed the corpse of a fox. The mean fox specifically, he had no sorrowful thoughts all he thought was ha thank karma. It took the squirrel a few moments to notice his acorn in the middle of the road all by itself. He could not believe it at first. His acorn was still around, his faith slowly returned as he skeptically went for it. He was scared it might disappear, when he finally reached it the squirrel grabbed ahold of it filled with so much happiness.
At that moment all went bad, the squirrel did not notice the blinding bright lights coming straight for him he was to caught up in gaining his faith back. The car slammed right into him, making the squirrel go flying, the acorn falling to the ground in the lonely dark road. The squirrels whole life flashed before his eyes, as he twitched violently on the ground before he became unmoving. The car not stopping drove off and away leaving the fox and squirrels corpse's on the road only a few feet away from the lonesome acorn. The road was dark and lonely and lost of all faith. The squirrel lost his faith but found the acorn, only he could not have it because he lost his faith. If he hadn't lost his faith he would still be alive with his acorn. "Faithless is he who quits when the road darkens."